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10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 0 replies · +2 points

In what way? Pmsl

A wise man once said (rules you out) ...it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and prove it ....maybe you should take heed :-)

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 6 replies · +3 points

lol....he is probably on Wikipedia as we speak...... Ulysses !!!!....we almost agreed ;)

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 0 replies · -1 points

plus they liked to execute the childrens parents....mothers of 10......and so on

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 0 replies · 0 points

its ok...sure next time Gerry is arrested I'm sure they can paint his picture over it ;)

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 18 replies · -1 points

next time you WANDER..I WONDER will you find that mural ? xD

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 4 replies · 0 points

good man yourself (himself) ...have a wee think then ;)

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 6 replies · +2 points

didnt think you would answer.....

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 8 replies · -1 points

Find it whatever way you like.....it is a fact, that surely even you cant deny, that SF have many among their hierarchy (and at grass roots) who have been convicted of Terrorist activity's (in varying degrees).....undeniable.

I have never said that anyone who votes for them supports terrorism (show me where I have ever advocated that?) ...some people may see them as the best option and not all SF members have been involved in criminality.

I merely asked why they differentiate between Republicans........I will expect you to deflect and diversify rather than answer....or maybe you will answer.....who knows.....such is life.

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 0 replies · +8 points

up to oneself who you vote for...........nobody found the mural yet?

10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Jean McConville killin... · 2 replies · +3 points

dont vote for either