There's going to be trouble ahead !
Some of the Shinners have their own brand of Socialism which they adopt when it suits them. Did you hear the joke about one of them a few years ago who stood in front of a class at a girls grammar school in Belfast and dictated to the pupils why the grammar school system was unfair and should not exist . His own daughter was one of the pupils ! This would be funny if the situation was not so serious.
The politicians need to be held responsible for this crisis in the May council elections. The wife and I were at a meeting of " People Before Profit " political party last night in West Belfast. They are likely to get our votes as they promise to highlight the Health Service crisis. We can no longer afford to continue voting for the usual mainstream parties for the wrong reasons as they are not competent.
Do you think they care ? The money has been spent on other things and we are all expendable in their eyes.
No matter who the Health Minister would be , when the government of a small state of only 1.5 million people has a priority of GIFTING in excess of £ 110,000,000 building sports/concert stadiums the real PRICE of this sheer lunacy would have to be paid from elsewhere.
No " Casement Park " style £ 61.4 million gift from the Assembly to secure the future of our much needed Leisure Centres and their valued staff. Maybe the ordinary folk on the street and leisure centre employees don't have the same clout as say the big boys who can make millions hosting a five day concert and then gifted millions of pounds as well.
You are wrong again....... they have ! Read up on it as you do not have adequate information on the matter.
The funding allocated to Windsor and Ravenhill will be used to promote the respective sporting activities. There is no reason to suspect that these venues will make millions of pounds hosting concerts or other substantial commercial functions.
That is a question many have asked and answers are in short supply. You would require financial know how to examine the financial accounts of at least one limited company involved in asset ownership.
To the problem with sports funding ! The waters become very murky though when public funds are gifted to finance a concert stadium incorporating many facilities where the main function and aim of the development is for commercial gain.