Mark Aaron Murnahan

Mark Aaron Murnahan


28 comments posted · 46 followers · following 4

13 years ago @ - Discover your Target A... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with the way it seems that so many people are preaching to the choir. I suppose it is often out of fear that if it shows any sense of competition or a benefit to the author, people may not be as enthusiastic to share it. It is kind of an absurd fear, in reality. I know my market, and I do a good job to be sure they know me, too. In most cases, I don't want the other person's market, and they likely don't fit well with mine.

It stuns me how many people completely neglect targeting. It is the most critical piece, but yet the most overlooked.
My recent post Paradigm Shifting, Initial Perceptions, and Marketing Communication

14 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - The Rise And (Hopeful)... · 1 reply · +2 points

Gizmodo does tech news, too? That is tech news to me. I thought they just covered stupid crap begging for Diggs. ;-)

14 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Era of The Social Medi... · 0 replies · +2 points

To all of you dubeshags, I created this video to show how we all work together for better SEO and social media. ;-)

[youtube fYmc09XAOJI youtube]

14 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Mobile Local Social pr... · 0 replies · +1 points

The birds are soothing. :-D

14 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Coolest Presentation E... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sometimes the reward is not what we, or others, would expect it to be. My best work is always done when it is not just for the money. If I had to do my work just for the money, it would surely suffer. The tough concept is that it only happens when somebody pays me enough to take money completely out of my mind. Then my best work comes out because I want the ego stroke of being the very best.

14 years ago @ TechCrunch - Here It Is: Google's K... · 0 replies · +1 points

I have been a huge fan of Chrome since its very beginning, and speed is just a part of it. This video didn't sell me on anything new, but wow, it sure is cool. It must have been fun to sit in on the brainstorming meetings. I wonder if they brought Weird Al in for ideas.

15 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Lindsay Lohan Meet Soc... · 1 reply · +1 points

Maybe the ad agency hired Lohan to promote it by making an ass of herself. Brilliant! :-D

My recent post Marketing Authority: How to Create Authority in Your Market

15 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Lindsay Lohan Meet Soc... · 3 replies · +1 points

It was 5 guilty and 27 not guilty when I voted. I guess perhaps her attorney and a couple interns know how to use the Internet.

Look out, I may start claiming that if you say "Murnahan" you are talking about me. Wait, that would be a whole lot more realistic than this whacked claim that Lindsey, Lindsay, Linsey ... they didn't spell it in the video. In any case, I would have a better chance at the One Name Cleb thing. At least I have one name that was not used a hundred squillion times to describe a massive portion of kids born in the 1980's and 1990's. Oh, and I probably have more fans, because I know I at least have three ... my children ... hopefully my wife, maybe my mother. I guess I may be up to five. I think that is worth a shot at a case in court, don't you?

My recent post Marketing Authority: How to Create Authority in Your Market

15 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Hey, Your Dog Defriend... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dogs are popular little critters, but from a value standpoint, they will NEVER be what bacon is. Dogs are not as tasty, and there are too many politics involved with breeding them for food.

I make no apology for the fact that I am the only guy on my block without a dog or any desire whatsoever to have a creature living in my home that licks its own butt or rolls around in dead stuff.

What the heck is so desperate about people that they must control a creature for their own amusement? It must be the same gene that says to watch a bunch of dudes in tight pants drag each other to the ground and then do a dance when they get their balls where they want them.

I know some nice people with dogs ... really special people who are dear to me. I also know a lot of other crazy people who do silly stuff, like wearing aluminum hats to keep alien invaders from reading their thoughts.

On a high note, I know dogs that are smarter than some people. So if you don't get my humor or you want to hunt me down (like a dog) get a check up from the neck up. I am just fueling your dog flame. Hating me will just give my cat more reasons to eat you.


P.S. I was not targeting you, Jasmin, since you surely must wonder. LOL You like cupcakes, so you can still hang out with my wife (the cupcake master at <a href="" target="_blank"> ) and do that. Just look out ... she is a great cook, and may want to wok your dog. :-D

My recent post Marketing Authority: How to Create Authority in Your Market

15 years ago @ Mobile • Local • S... - Things I Miss About th... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am torn. I kind of look forward to cyber-stalking my kids. They range from 10 months to seven years at present. I wonder what kind of crazy stuff I will be learning about their college days ... from Facebook. Oh, and if they do not accept my friend request, there will be hell to pay. :D

My recent post Polarize Your Audience and Stop Making Everybody Happy