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12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - In the wake of the Fla... · 0 replies · +1 points

You should see the parties people throw when a Service Pack comes out for Windows! Oh man! SO FUN!

Bu seriously, people seem to get stupidly happy when MS release an SP for Windows for some reason even though it's literally a "all fixes up to now in 1 pack" thing.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Apple resellers update... · 0 replies · +2 points

It only misleads the stupid and ignorant. Sadly, the majority of the human race are one or the other, many are both.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Apple investigating ne... · 1 reply · +7 points

A friend of mine had a similar experience with his MacBook Pro shortly after they unveiled the unibody design in 2008. There was a tiny sliver of light visible from around the black glass bezel that he didn't notice until he used it in the dark like a week after getting it. They took it in the back to somewhere dark, then came back out with a new MacBook Pro in a box for him and just swapped it there and then. They even swapped the hard drive for him so he didn't lose anything (and it worked fine seeing as it was the exact same model). All for free, in about 10 mins. That's service.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Google CEO Larry Page ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Either that or he's been wearing a hat for several hours lol.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - High school kids are t... · 0 replies · +1 points

They had to do a survey and spend money to work this out? Good lord. High School kids have always been like this, they want the popular stuff and not the "fake" stuff.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Intel's upcoming Ivy B... · 0 replies · +4 points

Windows 7 is garbage. Yes, it's the best version of WINDOWS ever, but that isn't hard. Windows is and always has been shit. It's schizophrenic and inconsistent as hell and Windows 8 makes that 100 times worse.

Macs aren't "overpriced", when you actually compare like for like systems (in all areas) the Macs are almost universally cheaper. Price is literally the ONLY differentiator between PC manufacturers, they have no other way of making their product stand out from the rest. They use commodity hardware and a commodity OS. Macs have a unique OS and come with an amazing software bundle even if you consider the hardware to be commodity. That's their USP.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Intel's upcoming Ivy B... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thunderbolt stuff will begin showing up fairly soon. Everyone has been waiting for Ivy Bridge for native support, and it'd be nice if Intel offered a PCI card for it too. I'm interested to see how they handle it on the Mac Pro's to be honest. Xeons don't typically come with IGP's (and I'm fairly certain the ones Apple will be using in those things won't have them even if they have models that do), so it'll be interesting to see how they handle the graphics output from dedicated GPU's. I'm wondering if there'll be a pass through of sorts that allows the GPU to push the video out of the ports on the I/O panel rather than the GPU itself, if that makes sense.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Intel's upcoming Ivy B... · 0 replies · +5 points

Not sure why you got down voted for that, you're right. The K model is generally aimed more at the enthusiast and custom builder, not OEM's (unless the OEM is someone like Alienware who cater more to gamers and people who'd want to over clock them).

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - Intel's upcoming Ivy B... · 0 replies · -1 points

The Xeons are the absolute best they have available at the time of the refresh. When the last Mac Pro was released the best Xeons on the market were the 2.93GHz models, it took another few months for the faster ones to hit the market, but they didn't bother to update them in the Mac Pro for whatever reason (most likely due to the fact the improvement wasn't really all that great, though you can easily replace the CPU's with the better newer models in the same series if you want).

I think the top spec iMac uses the i7 2600K, again, the best at the time. The 2700K came out after the last iMac refresh as far as I'm aware.

They use the best at the time, then they're not changed until the next refresh, though there's been one or two occasions where they've added an extra option or two on the MacBook Pro's in it's mid cycle. I believe they added the 2.8GHz i7 at the high end as an addition to the 2.6GHz model.

12 years ago @ 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Int... - iPhone PRO concept fea... · 0 replies · +8 points

They also tend to fly in the face of physics and engineering too.