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12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Cops Arrest Dad After ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Perhaps this is the CHANGE that some People want in the USA! Unreal! I wonder if some educators and police up North have an IQ above 80? Get ready America, If Obama and/or Clinton have their way, this will be the NEW and weak AMERICA!

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Marine Refuses Plea De... · 0 replies · +15 points

Semper Fi Marine! However, in NYC, even if U R right, with a hand gun, U R wrong!! YOU will be found guilty bcz they will make an example of YOU. Now if YOU were a criminal, YOU would NOT have checked it in and YOU would be OK and NO charges.! NYC is a STRANGE place for visitors. All they want, it seems is your money and do not CARE about the 2nd Amendment and the US Constitution seems not 2 apply to the ORDINARY People, just those that have the power. You can bet your a$$ that Blumberg and family are protected by people with weapons!

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Viral Video: Father Sh... · 0 replies · +5 points

Bravo to him. He warmed her and she chose to disobey and did not take heed. Then, just like in life, she needed to learn that her actions and decisions have consequences. She was wrong by discussing Family business outside of the house. To not punish her would send the wrong message. This way, she lost something near and dear. Well done to her parents.

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Images of Sniper Rifle... · 0 replies · +5 points

Amen!! But who do we have now in Gov't of Ben's caliber? Just a bunch of greedy pacifists in my opinion.

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Images of Sniper Rifle... · 0 replies · 0 points

Ha Ha, Nice. You made me laugh! Good sense of humor Pete! I agree that the Pats should have won the game!! As they say, Next Year!

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Images of Sniper Rifle... · 0 replies · +1 points

Since 911, this country has changed. Now, we need to be more prepared for the unexpected. I agree with this type of preparation, "JUST IN CASE", as some others have said. This type of preparation like a CCW, is like an Insurance Policy, you hope that U never have to use it but glad that you have it. As for the people that are/were upset, they would be the 1st ones to bring a legal suit if something happened and their loved ones were injured or worse! Then they would claim that the authorities were not prepared.

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - The Guru discusses .45... · 1 reply · +10 points

With that set of facts, why was she even arrested? Why was she and her children separated for several months? I think the D. A's are more and more Anti Gun and too fast to charge a crime. Locally here last year, a farmer confronted three trespassers and ordered them off of his property. When they became threatening to the farmer, he drew his pistol, ON HIS OWN PROPERTY, and just told them to withdraw. He claims that he did not point his pistol at the trespassers. The trespassers pressed charge against the farmer for assault with a deadly weapon and the DA took it to court with an additional charge of carrying a concealed weapon w/o a permit. The Farmer was found not guilty by a Jury but had to pay for his defense and his lawyer. While the right to defend may be a personal right, it seems that the D A's have forgotten "The American Way!"

12 years ago @ Petersen's Hunting - 7 Worst Offenses in Hu... · 0 replies · +2 points

The worse that I have seen is when I showed a "FRIEND" one of my favorite deer hunting location during a pre-season scout. Then the day before opening day, my "FRIEND" showed up uninvited or announced with five of his friends. Then all of these noobs decided to sight in their rifles in camp!! However, I had no one to blame but myself for trusting this "FRIEND". I was so angry that I had to leave and go to another location. Needless to say, I never showed him another good location or hunted with him again.

12 years ago @ Vision to America - George Clooney disillu... · 0 replies · +4 points

Who cares what Hollywood thinks? They have no idea about the reality of life out here. They live in NEVER, NEVER LAND!! Furthermore, they do not care about the economy or how it impacts the average person and family. Like Congress and the White House need a wake up call, Hollywood needs one also. If we all boycott the movies and hurt them in their pockets like we are hurting, then we would get their attention.

12 years ago @ Guns & Ammo - Clerk Says 'No' to Arm... · 0 replies · +5 points

Agreed !!!!! If you wait for him to point his weapon at you, you may not have the opportunity to draw your weapon.