Hey! What happened to the right and freedom to bare arms? Oh that does not hold true for socialist. I see!
We will remember this in 2012. As the umpire once said, "YOU"RE OUT." Bye Bye liberals........
As Deputy Fife once said, "He's a nut !"
I was talking about the whole picture as being about God and satan, not the constitution. By using the word "It" I was refering to the main subject matter.
If people do not believe in God why does it bother them so much when christians mention Him? Why do people get so upset about Jesus if they do not believe in Him?
It is freedom of religion, NOT freedom from religion. The government cannot tell us what chuch to belong to or to attend. PERIOD.. Not that we cannot talk politics from the pulpit. Thomas Jefferson just wrote a letter to a friend about freedon from religion. It is not a law. READ YOUR CONSTITUTION! It is about God and satan. Left and right, liberals and conservatives.
"What a predicament you have got us into this time, Ollie Obuma." Take God out of the schools, out of the government, out of the military and then wonder why this country is going down the drain. Oh and keep mudering all those little unborn babies. Take firearms away from people so the criminals can take over. Borrowing money then give it away to companies overseas and to companies here that helped you win an election does not get us out of debt. Downsize our military. That same sex thing! My Bible says that it is an abomination to the Lord. I guess this is all Bush's fault. MMMM I wonder why jobs are hard to find and everything is such a mess.
We all know that people say, "It's not about the money. It is the principle of the thing." Sure Al! We all know it is ALL about the money. Fame, fortune and the socialist way! Oh! by the way Al, thank you for inventing the internet. I remember when Al was ask what his favorite Bible verse was and he said John 16:3 which is: And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.
I guess I am considered a terrorist because I believe in Jesus, the Bible as the Word of God, freedom of religion - not freedom from religion, prayer in school, under God in the Pledge Alligence, display of the Ten Commandments, the right and freedom to bear arms and in God we trust. May God bless America again.