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14 years ago @ Antiwar Newswire - Israeli Cabinet passes... · 0 replies · +4 points

Everybody knew it would come though as always we wished for a different outcome since we are all so powerless in the face of Israeli aggression. This confirms the status of non-Jewish citizens as second-class citizens. It is another step in the direction of their destruction, one that will augur much suffering and cruelty.

14 years ago @ Blog - Schumer: It Makes Sens... · 0 replies · +6 points

What a cruel thing to say, and yes definitely and premeditavily more cruel and racist than anything Helen Thomas' words could even be twisted to imply. Where is the outrage now?

14 years ago @ Antiwar Radio with Sco... - Jason Ditz · 0 replies · +2 points

Hey if this guy is a terrorist then it's permissible to assassinate him right? And since American politicians always do everything Israel says then Obama's probably going to order a special ops agent to kill him. Who's next? I criticize Israel all the time. Am I going to end up on the assassination list? Where's this going to end up?

14 years ago @ Antiwar Newswire - Helen Thomas retires i... · 0 replies · +11 points

So, Helen Thomas finally fell into the dreaded 'anti-semitic' trap. Well, we all do eventually. I was pushed into it myself a few years ago after sending a scathing letter about Israel's massacre in Jenin. A local rabbi wrote back to the editor and claimed I was a "classic anti-semite". How about that, classic? What made me classic I don't know. Maybe he thought I was a nazi. I imagine they're pretty classic. That's usually what people think of when they hear the word anti-semite. 10,000 WWII movies has taken its toll on our consciousness. We all think that nazis walk around shouting 'seig heil' but the truth is that some of them are even rabbis nowadays.

14 years ago @ Antiwar Radio with Sco... - Craig and Cindy Corrie · 0 replies · 0 points

Thank you for this wonderful interview. I deeply appreciate it.

14 years ago @ Antiwar Newswire - Obama: Israeli raid on... · 0 replies · 0 points

The tragedy, or is it comedy, is Obama.

14 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Abbas gives flotilla a... · 0 replies · +2 points

No one was surprised when Israel acted with violence towards the humanitarians. This has become customary with Israel. I am ashamed of the weak and ambivalent response from the US government. Obama has discredited himself, not just before the eyes of the world but before his own conscience. He is not a leader, he is a salesman. The Peace Prize belongs to Rachel Corrie who at least had the courage to face the concentrated hate of Israel and not back down.

14 years ago @ Original A... - Israeli Attack May Hav... · 0 replies · +3 points

This has happened too many times and somehow we keep hoping that 'this time they've gone too far'. Even Bush had crocodile tears at the Holocaust Memorial and hours later, or was it minutes, he was laughing at the Palestinians at the checkpoints. Our politicians are wearing the golden handcuffs generously given to them by Israel and its Zionist friends, and they can't lift a finger to stop the killing. What can possibly stir their consciences? I have seen the newscasts on American tv and I haven't seen a sign of this 'silver lining' yet.

14 years ago @ Antiwar Radio with Sco... - Eric Garris · 1 reply · +9 points

Not too long ago the media made a big deal about Obama bowing to , I believe it was the Japanese emperor, but now after Israel commits war crimes against innocent civilians Obama looks down at his shoelaces. Why? Because an American president is not allowed to look at Israel's P.M. in the eye. And instead of jumping on Obama for this humiliation, the media rushes in to cover up the massacre, including of course, old reliable NPR which hasn't taken an honest look at Israel in well over 20 years. They're just about ready to call for medals of honor for the commandos who killed the 'terrorist peace activists, or as they like to say "the so-called peace activists'.

14 years ago @ News From - Will Aid Ship Attack H... · 0 replies · +1 points

Obama responded to this massacre by looking down at his shoelaces. In other words American presidents are not allowed to look Israeli officials in the eye. No, it will not hurt relations since the news media will keep the American public occupied with other matters until time diminishes the impact. They will even present the case as if Israel itself is the injured party. Even John Stewart will make a joke about what a cute nickname Bibi has and that's about it. That's all we can expect. No sympathy, no outrage, no truth.