


21 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Organ donor registry c... · 0 replies · +3 points

I think B-93 has a lot to do with this. I pray that Conrad finds his match, soon, and I thank my friend, Heather, for her generous kidney donation, to someone she didn't even know. I wish I had as mush shutzpah as she does!!!

14 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Evacuated workers soug... · 0 replies · 0 points

My ex husband, my children's father....does this for a living. I am waiting to hear of the drilling company that was working this well when the explosion happened. So at this point, I could care less about rising gas costs. My only concern is that some of my friends may have been on that well when it exploded, and may not have gotten off safely. So my prayers are going out to all oil workers and their families at this time.

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Malmberg charged with ... · 0 replies · +11 points

Perfect example of why Michigan needs the death penalty.
Now this scum gets free room and board for the rest of his life at the the expense of you and me.

Just my humble opinion.

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - LaGrand quits City see... · 1 reply · +1 points

Unless you've ever sat down and had a chance to hear what Mr. LaGrand has to say....please don't judge him. David is an amazing man on all fronts, and will make a great Senator. Upward and onward!!!

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - GR dispatcher retires ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Congratulations on a job well done. I have wanted to do this most of my adult life. I applied with the great city of GR, but after months of testing and interviewing, was told there was a hiring freeze. Go figure.
Enjoy your retirement, Mr. VanHouten..you deserve it!!!

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - 22 firefighters being ... · 0 replies · -2 points

This is just so sad. And unfortunately, until the next death occurs due to a house fire, ....


15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Chase Bank robbed in G... · 1 reply · +2 points

Grand Rapids will soon be like Flint. "Last one out, turn off the lights". Not enough cops, not enough fire personnel, too many job losses, too many budget cuts, etc etc etc.

But that's just MY opinion.

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Truck, SUV crash in Ke... · 3 replies · +6 points

If it's like this NOW...what's going to happen when there's snow and ice on the roads.

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - GR city manager to cut... · 1 reply · +2 points

This is very sad, and very frightening.
I still think that there should be speed traps set up all over the city. This would generate enough cash flow to avoid all the layoffs and then create even more openings for Grand Rapids employment.
Just My Humble Opinion

15 years ago @ WOODTV.com - Layoffs ahead for GR p... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think the city should have the police do what the state troopers do.....issue speeding tickets to anyone going more than 10 mph over a posted speed, on any city street. That in itself would be a major fund raiser for the budget.