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14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - The Ryan Dixon Line: L... · 2 replies · +1 points

I hope I am not the only one rooting for a sequel to this post.

14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay At Home Nerd: Cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

You'll get yours, Mickey.

14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay At Home Nerd: Cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

I do believe that there are places in LA that running for a bus is the same as running for your life!!

14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay At Home Nerd: Cha... · 0 replies · +2 points

I think about running all the time. I just never do it. Occasionally, I have the runs which isn't the same thing. I blame it all on a lack of exercise and poor diet. Of course, now that I have offspring my attitude is less cavalier. I even have a physical scheduled and joined a gym.

If and when I need training you'll be the first to know. Good luck with the marathon and by luck I mean congratulations on all your hard work.

14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay At Home Nerd: Cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks Loggs. I just hope you weren't on that bus.

14 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay At Home Nerd: Cha... · 0 replies · +1 points

Chicago winter would do it for me too. But, I'd pay good money to see you hustle after a subway in your visor!

15 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay-At-Home Nerd: Alw... · 0 replies · +2 points

Worth a shot. I tried to swaddle myself, but that's another story.

15 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay-At-Home Nerd: One... · 0 replies · +1 points

Excellent questions LMN and I hope to address them in detail in a future blogumn. My answer to your first question is yes. I do think the commenters here, and people in general, are supportive of stay at home moms.

My answer to your second question is I don't know. Today's stay at home mom, or parent for that matter, is not the January Jones character of Mad Man fame. If someone "chooses" to stay at home it is hard to imagine that they would make this choice if it made them miserable. That suggests to me that Betty Friedan was wrong. Women weren't miserable because they were stay at home moms without careers. They were miserable because they weren't able to choose whether or not they would have a career or be a stay at home mom. Of course, without her motivating a generation of women we wouldn't be having this discussion. And, I believe that having this discussion is the important thing.

15 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay-At-Home Nerd: Alw... · 0 replies · +2 points

We have the Miracle Blanket which I believe earned it's name because it's a miracle if you can figure out how to use it. The Kiddopotamus Swaddle works really well and it is our go to swaddle for bedtime. It's fleece, warm and easy to do in the dark.

There are times when our son absolutely hates to get swaddled, but so far he almost always loves "being" swaddled. The only time he doesn't is when he's hungry and then it seems there is no swaddle strong enough to keep his little hands from poking through and ripping it off, Hulk style!!

15 years ago @ Fierce and Nerdy - Stay-at-Home Nerd: Bab... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks, everyone. Glad you enjoy it.