


6 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Aim To Be - What's in a name? · 0 replies · +1 points

I've always been to glad to have an unusual name. I can count the number of Jemima's I've met in my life on one hand, whereas if I think of the group of friends I was hanging out with on Saturday, there were several Sarah's, Claire's, and Kates. I'm chuffed that my parents named me after the Jemima the Puddle Duck from Beatrix Potter's stories.

15 years ago @ Aim To Be - Daily Survival Kit - 7... · 0 replies · +1 points

Love it! I'm going to jump straight to T for treat I think!

15 years ago @ 10e20 - SMX East: Twitter Mark... · 1 reply · +1 points

Great post Rebecca. I always like a good list of tips. ;)

Your suggestion for users to be aware of multiple time zones is valuable. Users should, however, be careful when retweeting their own content to capture all markets. I think the most honest approach is to own up to what you're doing. RT-ing with an explanation, such as 'RT for the US: 'original tweet' ' Or similar. Just a plain old 'RT @myself 'original tweet' ' comes across as amateurish and could be interpreted as over pushy - certainly if it's done multiple times.

15 years ago @ Jemima's Blog | ... - A poignant tale of �... · 0 replies · +1 points

I couldn't agree more. Like every tool (hello - pen and paper is a tool too), it can be used in a multitude of ways. I love that we're so exited about this, but it's quite elemental really. If innovating with pen and paper got company's equivalent press as innovating with twitter does, they'd all be flocking over to that as a new media.

15 years ago @ Jemima's Blog | ... - Positive brand experie... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think O2 have got it spot on with their 'every step of the way' updates. It reminds me of the thinking behind user experience with web design. A user doesn't mind having to click up to seven navigational links on their route to finding the correct content, as long as they 'feel' they're getting there, and that they're going in the right direction.

Chances are, even if O2 had taken twice as long to sort the switch out, you wouldn't have been bothered because they let you know, every step of the way, that you WERE 'getting there', however slowly. Good on them.

Apple, however, need to hire more Genius'.

Sent from my mobile

15 years ago @ SEOgadget - Get high rankings by b... · 0 replies · +2 points

You should be an official spokesperson for Linkscape - you bring it to life. Great analysis, and what with all this data and insight, I'm sure you'll be ranking for 'Purple Monkey Dishwasher' in no time at all. : - )