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2 years ago @ http://www.information... -  Islamic Jihad, h... · 0 replies · +4 points

Little wonder organized Jewry goes to extremes in policing against "anti-Semitism" and "hate" and so on. The repulsive behavior of its "homeland;" the utter savagery its "defense forces" commit against the Palestinian people that it proclaims is the "most moral army" in the world; its arrogant domination of Washington which if pointed out it elicits accusations of "trope" and "blood libel" and "Jew hatred"--has the world ever before suffered such a despicable, vindictive, smug, morally nauseating collection of "homo sapiens?"

2 years ago @ http://www.information... -   Zionist Power O... · 0 replies · +1 points

The more the Zionist insists that anti-Zionism is anti-semitism, the more anti-Zionism will be anti-Semitic.

2 years ago @ http://www.information... -     -Pe... · 0 replies · +1 points

The DoD's financial malfeasance goes way beyond "failing" its last 3 audits. To begin, it hasn't produced audit worthy financial statements since it was first required by law to do so--in 1991. For ten years after that, every year, the "auditors" (the DOD IG) tried to do an audit, but couldn't. The books and records were an unauditable mess. The auditors "disclaimed." Then congress in 2001 passed a law that prohibited the DoD’s auditor from performing any audit if DoD’s CFO “asserts [that the] financial statement … is unreliable.” In other words, to avoid an audit all the DoD needed to do is declare that its financial statements are rubbish. And every year since, from 2002 to 2017, the DoD did just that, telling the world that its financial reports are not worth the paper they’re written on (not that DoD knows how much the paper has cost). Then the real fraud started, in 2017, when after years and years of a phony "financial audit improvement and readiness" law and program, with the goal of making the Pentagon "audit ready," Mad Dog Mattis and Grover Norquist's brother (the Pentagon CFO) were suppose to "certify" to Congress that the DoD's financial were "ready for audit," which they pretended to do, in a statement that made it obvious that they weren't even close. So just as it had between 2991 and 2001, the "auditor" since 2017 every year have "disclaimed"....

Lindorff doesn't know the half of it. It's much more outrageous than even he thinks.

2 years ago @ http://www.information... -  Neocons bent on ... · 0 replies · +8 points

"Venal, avaricious and, above all, reckless claque of elites." This litany omits their most enduring and malignant commonality, the true shared trait "above all:" They are Zionist Jews.

2 years ago @ http://www.information... -     -Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

There is no question that since 1945 the power elites have worked vigorously to dupe the American public to believe that "civilian casualties" from US military savagery is at worst a minor and unavoidable by-product of America's greater goal to defend the freedom loving peoples of the world. Except for the relatively small number of brainless patriotic yahoos, however, a large majority of Americans do not believe it. But they accept it. The mechanism to induce acceptance is not deception: It is fear.

Top U.S. officials want us to believe that the Pentagon carefully spares civilian lives while making war overseas. The notion is pleasant.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -   In Washington G... · 0 replies · +2 points

Yes, although I pride myself on my Jewdar, I had no idea Zelenskyy was an Ashkenazi weasel.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -  Pentagon Paid th... · 0 replies · +5 points

It is a lot more than $4.4 trillion.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -    &nbs... · 0 replies · +11 points

Not sure what the Khazar Zionist skanks Goldberg and Ledeen have to do with the particularly vacuous American foreign "policy" under the vacuous numbnut Jo Biden. But do not confuse the vacuous with the non-strategic. Punchy Jo's Jewish handlers aim to continue making more and deeper failed states throughout the Middle and Western Central Asia and Northern Africa--'CENTCOM," I believe the dumb American generals call the property.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -    &nbs... · 2 replies · +6 points

Every single one of the machine's maggots mentioned in this piece would have made the pro-MEK speeches and spoken at the MEK events without earning a nickel--although that cash was gravy. Each one of the dirtbags is an Israeli-firster and Zionist bootlicker. And every one of these traitors and treasonous swamp snakes will inundate the air waives demanding that American women and men go fight the inevitable war with Iran instigated and waged on behalf of the Jewish state.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -    &nbs... · 0 replies · +1 points

Epstein, Dershowitz, Glenn Dubin, Marvin Minsky, Jean-Luc Brunel, Ehud Barak, Les Wexner, the Maxwells, Krischer, Lefkowitz, and on and on and on....

I once was naive enough to ask: "If a statement is true, can it be antisemitic?"

But now I know---the antisemitic trope is reserved for true statements..