


194 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Big Government - Office of Congressiona... · 0 replies · +1 points

Gloria Alred, Stienem, NOW..... Hello..... anyone there...... feminists?? HELLO!!!
Sorry, Ms. Packer, your only a woman if your a leftist. As a conservative female your not really worthy of protection under the law, you are just a piece of meat to be used by the MAN as he see fits. If you make allegations against say.... a conservative running for the presidency, well by GAWD, the NOW org and all others will have you on the front page and on the 24 hour news networks! Until then be content with your sub-human existance, your life has no value until you kneel at the alter of the LEFT!!!!

Investigate this man please with the same rigor as you did HC. So many fed laws have been violated if this is true!!!

12 years ago @ Big Government - Newt Gingrich to Juan ... · 0 replies · +4 points

My college age son pays his tuition, works full time, and is starting his own production company with his college mates! He started working and earning his own money at the age of 8, pumping gas, detailing cars, sweeping up...He still had time for comics and football. He tells me how at the university those OWS clowns are all over he campus with their hate speech, he just yells back at them... GET A JOB!! On his way to one of his many endeavors.

12 years ago @ - Golden Globes seen by ... · 0 replies · +2 points

GG really? A bunch of hollywierds patting each other on the back... no, thank you. I would rather watch reruns of ax-men, gold rush, dirty jobs.. heck i'd even suffer through an intervention episode before watching leftist elitiest give each other awards for dumbing down America!!!

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Sophia Bush: Latest Ce... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sophia... don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Last Night on 'Glee' 1... · 0 replies · +3 points

Thank you. The show does not dirty my 60" plama 3D with its filth disguised as comedy. Its not meant to be entertaining or informative... its meant to lie, distort, and destroy our culture. So, yeah, go get a smaller brush this is not the huffpuff this is a BIG site.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'The Human Resources M... · 0 replies · +3 points


12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Playboy': Paul Krassn... · 0 replies · +5 points

Thank GOD for firewalls!

12 years ago @ Big Peace - How to Survive Communi... · 0 replies · +1 points

See America, the glass is half full.
You eat dirt while Mao...errr i mean nobama/meeeeshell eat WHAT EVER THEY WANT. To complain gets you sent to the re-education I mean a free college education. Taught by terrorist.....errr... i mean, professor ayers. So read your commie cook book.
Coming soon, "Lose weight, feel great tips from the COAL MINES (Who needs sleep, when the chairman is cold)."..... too long a title? How about...... "toiling away the pounds, LIFE in the mine!"

12 years ago @ - Reality star JWOWW say... · 0 replies · +1 points

why? tsa are pervs... tools of the American hating left wing!!! They let people from terror states walk, but get their groove on handleing up grandma, little bobby and suzie, and forcing hot chicks through the xray macine!!!! Sandusky needs a job, apply at the TSA you'd be perfect.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Trailer Talk: 'The Hun... · 0 replies · -1 points

so... futuristic city... all are equal.. (except the leaders)... only people with guns are the soliders/security forces..... people have no free will...... they must fight to the death....... forced to murder others to stay alive....sounds just like the left have won!!!
POS movie... i will NOT be buying a ticket.