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13 years ago @ Blog -'s Week in ... · 0 replies · 0 points

FACT: over 3 of Iran's scientists were gun down during the past 2 years and over 80 Iranians were killed by Terrorist attacks across the Pakistanis border with Iran, by the Jundallah terrorist organization that CIA has trained in Pakistan. Iran has put together these and other evidence of activity in terrorism by us and the Zionist entity and are taking their case to the UN.

We have nothing to cover our behind but the flimsy Saudi case that is just laughable. Even the Saudis did not take that serious and Iran sent a Representative to their latest funeral. Now we are talking about a new war in the Middle east?! Are we really finished with the one we have already started?!

When is our Zionist infested government is going to stop taking their orders from TelAviv?! How long this tail will wage the dog?!

get real.

13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - U.S. Intel Community U... · 0 replies · -3 points

More Zionist propaganda!! But Of course. Since Bibi Yahoo showed up here the last time and made the speech at and forced our Senators, congressman to get the heat off of him on the Peace treaty with the Palestinians and putting Iran back on the front pages, we have seen this sort of non-sense back in the news. We are a toy in their hand and they can change our public opinions over night.

13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Iran denies Panetta's ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Are our expectations of post and present Iraq realistic? Most people think that the Iraqis are now our friend and allies and that they are getting ready to make peace with Israel and recognize it all the way and have commerce with them. They see more American will travel to Iraq and will be treated as if they just arrived in Hawaii. Well I have news for you. We invalided that country under false and shady pretenses and we killed millions of the Iraqis. Their sons, daughters and families still remember "Abughraibe" and what happened to others who they used to hang out with and walk down the streets with and play with or go to school with.

This country used to be part of Iran and after that the Ottoman empire took it from them and they ruled it until before WWI. There never used to be a country of Iraq!!! Or Kuwait, or Jourdan or Abudabi etc.. They are creation of the British and the French during the Colonial age. There are a lot of history and cultural connections that we have no clue about. Among other factors is the Kurdish population in Iraq which are Iranians. Look it up in the dictionary if not on Google and see how much connection is there. The capital Baghdad is an Iranian city. So, now that we are there all these should just vanish in thin air? we just can't figure out how to create a new BUGGY man in Iraq to stand up to Iran as Saddam Hussein did.

Get real.

13 years ago @ DoD Buzz - Is Gates' greatest ach... · 0 replies · +4 points

Good for Mr Gates. He is a cool headed guy who saw the shameless acts we committed in Iraq before and after and prevented us to make the same mistakes twice in the row. He is a great man and I am glad he was around during this time period to help us with what we needed the most in this country, competent responsible people who can make the correct decisions when it comes to life and death. We'll miss him a lot.

14 years ago @ Blog - Monday Iran Talking Po... · 0 replies · +1 points

So, the rogue Zionists apartheid entity wants to push around 75 million Iranians just by a series of bombing and would think that will not end up with any retaliation from Iran? The revolutionary Iran fought an 8 years war under isolation and sanctions against Iraq, with our help financially, militarily and politically, but Iran still came out more together than before. So, how does the rogue Zionist entity will look like after a couple of years of bombing and other distractions that will come her way during this war? How long their double citizens are going to stay there and die for the greater Zion? Get real.

They may get their wish some day. But they should not push their luck if they know what's good for them.

15 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Iran clinching deals f... · 0 replies · +1 points

If Mr. Udler, president of the Israelite Circle of Bolivia, said "..Ahmadinejad's visit caused "a very high feeling of concern and anxiety.", then he needs to read on the "Goldstone" Report by the UN, that should make him feel more himself. I wonder why our leaders can't think clearly like this "If Iran is a major player in all this conflict, it is important for someone to sit with Iran, talk to them so we can return to some sort of normality in the Middle East,", how can you say it any better?! The Zionists have pulled the wool over our eyes so tight we can't see straight. We just can go on getting in to wars on every Zionists whim and invade other nations.

15 years ago @ News From - Iran Prepares Large Sc... · 0 replies · +2 points

Iran will thrive in many fields and their home grown technologies and weaponry will help her to achieve the security that she deserve and needs. The determination that this nation is showing to close the gap between itself and the West is admirable and astonishing. We need to help the Iranians and to drop and resist this forced policy by the Zionists and the Neo-cons that are pushing us to another war. Iran can be and will be a great influence in the region with us or without us and it only make sense to reach a consensus with the Iranians, which will help us and the region to become a more stable part of the world.
They demonstrated over nad over that they are capable and peace loving people and their current policies has demonstrated that. A friendly relation between Iran and the US is a natural one and it would be a great lose to our national security if not our economy to miss the opportunity to make amend and change our discriminatory and bias policies toward Iran.

Read more:

15 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Turkish deal means Ira... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Iranian nuclear energy production and processing is kept hostage to the peace treaty between the Palestinians and the Zionists. It is so unbelievable that our nation is shackled by the forces of the Zionism to such extent that they set condition for our president. The condition that Mr. Yahoo put forward for our president B. Obama is only to derail the peace process, the two nation treaty purposed by President Obama.

The Iranians have signed the NPT and IAEA has not found any smoking gun during the last 8 years or so. However, this transparency is not true when it comes to the Zionists. No one has inspected the Dimona facilities and the the Zionists have 200+ a-bombs. On top of that the atrocities that the Zionists have and are committing is not matched by anyone else but the terrorists. The latest "Goldstone" report speaks for itself.

This irrational behavior by the West and us in the US is not going to correct the issues that we are currently facing in the international community. Only honesty and good will, will buy us good will with the other nations.

15 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Iran sends warships to... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is so sad to see us assisting the terrorist regime of "House of Saud", one of the culprits in the 911 attack on the New York city. I am totally disgusted by calling these "Wahabie animals" a friend or an Allie. Their arrogant has caught up with them and they need to get a taste of their own doing. Killing other Muslim has become a past time for these people. Their constant support and financing of all sort of terrorist activity in the region just to promote their Sunni "Wahabism" has got out of hand.

They still have not stopped the support for the Al-Quida and Bin Ladien. The weapons and financing of the Afghan Taliban and Al-Quieda fighters has only one source the "House of Saud".

15 years ago @ WLUK FOX 11 News - Families urge return o... · 0 replies · +1 points

Zionists finger prints are all over this. Zionists are trying hard to plot and to create a new front to cause a rift between the US and the Iranian government in this tense environment. This is how they want to show that Iran is like North Korea and will take innocent young Americans prisoner. Poor innocent young Americans were just on a little walk to get some fresh air and out of no where these evil Iranians showed up and yanked them for no good reasons!! Young American hopefully are not this gullible and can see these Zionists are up to no good and have no reason to be there in the first place.

If these Zionists trying to pretend that they had NO idea that Iraq is the most DANGEROUS place on this earth mostly for any American to go out there for a walk, NOT to mention These GUYS are Jewish, then I have a bridge to sell them..

Now we have to bail the Zionists out again and to ask the Swiss Ambassador to plea for their safe return.