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13 years ago @ Antiwar.com Blog - Susan Rice's Viagra Ho... · 0 replies · +4 points
No woman, no matter HOW REPUGNANT HER POLITICAL VIEWS ARE, wishes to be raped. But hey, I guess I'm just a PC thug for expecting that readers of ANTI-WAR would realize that all violent acts -- i.e., rape, war, etc. -- are interconnected.
14 years ago @ Center for a Stateless... - Chris Christie Won't S... · 0 replies · +1 points
Yes yes yes yes yes! I've been saying this for awhile now.
When I am thinking about or researching a subject that I love, I get obsessive with it. I want to read everything that's ever been written, I spend hours on Google, and to the dismay of everyone around me, I won't STFU about whatever it is. I'm not the most patient person in the world, but when I'm able to throw myself into a subject I love, I can usually break it down into bite sized chunks. Part of me digs the idea of teaching high school history, but not for the pittance that teachers are paid. Why on Earth would I go another $60K into debt to finish up my bachelors and tack on a masters only to make $50K annually? No way.
14 years ago @ Broadsnark - Feminism or the Highway? · 1 reply · +1 points
I think that I can deal with her and even like her writing about 10% of the time. The rest of it is just crap that makes me weep over the fact that people will publish her and not me. I never really had an opinion about her until the John Edwards debacle or her "it's a jungle out there" book debacle. (Can't remember which came first.) She's consistently left a bad taste in my mouth since then.
But zomg! she's such a radical! She's pro-choice! She thinks women should vote! Wow, where on Earth would I find anyone in the 21st century who holds those views?
14 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - US Registrar Yanks Wik... · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Broadsnark - Feminism or the Highway? · 5 replies · +1 points
Tell me that IntenseDebate lost my comment. I will so scream.
The two basic points were that some of us are changing to change the course of things, but unfortunately, as you guys said above, we're on the extreme and too many of my fellow radical feminists love the state like it's going out of style; also, I'd rather deal with someone who resists the term "feminist" but is actively challenging oppression rather than Amanda Marcotte.
I swear, it sounded a zillion times better when I posted it. I'm annoyed that my comment was eaten. :(
15 years ago @ News From Antiwar.com - US Commander: No Sign ... · 0 replies · +1 points
My bad!