


93 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ Busted Coverage - Marlins Held 'Buy A Se... · 0 replies · +1 points

You're my second favorite website with the word "busted" in its title.

14 years ago @ THE CUBAN REVOLUTION - Candy, Christ and Kids · 0 replies · +1 points

And I agree with Cuban's opinion. Let's go down the line 1-by-1.

1) School can be a place for religious activities. In fact, many schools are used for religious meetings after hours. That is permissible. However, it is improper for a school to promote one religion over the other. I don't read anywhere in the Constitution where it states that schools purely have a purpose of teaching "life skills". History sure is a life skill, anyway.

2) Not all religious people who share their vies and beliefs are trying to convert others. That is a very naive statement. That's like saying all animals are inherently dangerous. My 2 pound yorkee would disagree.

3) Handing out candy canes = a recruitment process? And parents do not only send their children to school to be taught from an approved curriculum, which they cannot even approve themselves. There is a lot more to the schooling experience then reading a textbook from front to end. Communication and candy canes are good for the mind.

4) What intrusion? Passing out candy that has an attachment that reads, "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." is an intrusion? Is that reasonably going to make a child interested in a sweet candy decide to switch religions? Will the child take the message home and talk about it with mommy - if so, great.

5) The Court isn't saying that people who believe in other religions can't do the same thing. If they had held then, then your point would be valid.

14 years ago @ THE CUBAN REVOLUTION - Hitler Ringtones? · 0 replies · +1 points

Next on the shuffle: Katy Perry - California Gurls

14 years ago @ THE CUBAN REVOLUTION - A Good Day To Kill A Jew? · 0 replies · +1 points

I think the most important thing to take away from this is that Jews cannot ever forget that there are quite a few people out there in the world that not only would not mind seeing us gone, but really would enjoy eradicating us. Many of us live in a society where religion is not worn on our sleeve. Facebook has unpleasantly reminded us that we are not always wanted.

Hopefully the groups are taken down one-by-one. But again, we cannot close our eyes to the fact that there is a lot of hatred for Jews all around the world.

14 years ago @ BUCCO Fans.com - April Prospects Rundow... · 0 replies · +1 points

Just giving you a hard time.

14 years ago @ BUCCO Fans.com - April Prospects Rundow... · 2 replies · +1 points

Kyle McPherson is back to struggling? Is that what you call his performance last Friday? 7IP, 0R, 0BB, 4H, 9K.

15 years ago @ Sportsologist - Christ... - Information Sharing To... · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting tactic. You are getting people to comment to prove that people are reading, but it will also have a benefit of increasing the SEO of this post and your site, in general.

15 years ago @ Entertainment Agent Bl... - One Way to Pay Off the... · 0 replies · +1 points

How would CYBERsitter's potential award have any affect on paying off our national debt? Isn't CYBERsitter a private company?

15 years ago @ SportsAgentBlog.com | ... - Agent #721 · 0 replies · +1 points

State licenses are completely different than players association
licenses. If you want to personally rep nfl players you must also
become nflpa certified.

15 years ago @ SportsAgentBlog.com | ... - Georgia Is On Dynasty&... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks very much. Hope to gain a stronger presence in your hometown soon!