


178 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ KTLA-TV - Mom-to-Be Selling Righ... · 0 replies · +17 points

I take it there is no Daddy for the unborn child?

11 years ago @ WPRI.com | Eyewitness ... - Cows eating candy duri... · 0 replies · +1 points

Cattle farmers have fed their cattle cardboard to bring them up to market weight. I'm sure the wrappers will stay.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 7 California boys arre... · 0 replies · +20 points

Has Obama called to apologize to the white victim? No? Didn't think so.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - 7 California boys arre... · 2 replies · +74 points

At midyear 2007 there were 4,618 black male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 black males in the United States, compared to 1,747 Hispanic male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 Hispanic males and 773 white male sentenced prisoners per 100,000 white males.
State / Federal prison statistics

And according to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.[c

But I guess you'll say that the FBI is white and so therefore, cannot be trusted. And so, round and round it goes. However, no matter what you say, the fact remains: The vast preponderance of murders are committed by blacks. The murder victims of blacks are: black, white and Hispanic. And these murders are committed by people who make up only 13% of society.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +35 points

RIP Braveheart.

All condolences to Andrew's family. We will miss him in our own ways -- alongside you as you miss him so intimately.

12 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Rocks shatter windows ... · 0 replies · +30 points

INteresting how tyrants always eventually resort to throwing rocks.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Obama makes bold reele... · 1 reply · +8 points

Why is this wannabe dictator holding up 7 fingers to indicate 5?

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Islamists in Egypt hal... · 2 replies · +18 points

Lebanon was once considered the Riviera of the ME. Of course, that's when the French were in charge and for some time afterwards when they left the better educated (aka Christians) in charge. The moment the illiterate Muslims gained the upper hand, the country went to he//ll in a hand-basket. The Christians that weren't slaughtered by the Muslim supremacists sought refuge in Israel (and elsewhere).

With this in mind, was your family Coptic Christian? Or was this contemporary moment the brief respite in time (sometime around the 50's, early 60's) when Islam ventured out of the dark ages -- only to immediately regress?

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Egypt\'s Brotherhood s... · 14 replies · +16 points

The vast millions of the Muslims in the ME wanted precisely what Egypt is getting: strict Sharia Law. Keep in mind that the Communists thought of Communism as a true democracy. They loved quoting Jefferson.

Obama's Arab Spring has sprung and it's a nuclear winter. Exactly what he was hoping for too.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Egypt\'s Brotherhood s... · 0 replies · +19 points

Big surprise. Maybe when Obama gets trounced here, he can go over to his beloved Egypt and be dictator.