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12 years ago @ - Court to decide if Sea... · 0 replies · +31 points

Step by Step. First whales are protected by our Constitution. Then any dogs or cats are slaves as well. Then no animal can be used for food....Our leaders have failed and small groups holding extremist views are being treated like crusaders.

When science allows us to cross into other dimensions, other worlds, I fear the productive folks will leave and all these international bankers and groups like Peta will find this world very far from the paradise they dream about!

12 years ago @ - Davos elites to seek r... · 0 replies · +9 points

The International Corporations know best. They have worked hard to remove industrial capacity from the USA. Now Capitalism needs changes. Hmmm, guess they want changes before the politicians they paid for get fired.

12 years ago @ - Clinton calls Egyptian... · 0 replies · +30 points

Clinton calls Egyptian foreign minister

Why is this news? At the same time the State Department issues this Press Release:

Egypt's Islamists win elections
The final results in Egypt's first post-Mubarak parliamentary elections confirm an overwhelming victory for Islamist parties.

BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) - Hundreds of angry Libyans on Saturday stormed the transitional government's headquarters in the eastern city of Benghazi, carting off computers, chairs, and desks while the country's interim leader was still holed up in the building.

Our administration is playing songs but no one seems to be dancing to the tunes.

12 years ago @ - UNICEF Smears Santa As... · 0 replies · +6 points

This is an example of a UN totally out of control. We honestly have to reconsider just what role and funding level this bureaucracy deserves. Remember this is a corrupt group that stole money from the Oil for Food program. How many starved so corrupt plutocrats could get rich? I no longer believe the UN serves any useful purpose - it's US funding should be cut dramatically or better yet eliminated.

12 years ago @ - Dems plan midnight lau... · 0 replies · +1 points

Where are the unions getting the millions of dollars being spent on this campaign?

12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Obama Couldn't Wait: H... · 0 replies · +1 points

The question that is not being asked is who is getting appointed to this idiotic promotion board and how much are they being paid - in cash, travel expenses, cars and other benefits. At a time of economic problems this is an insult to the American public. It would not surprise me at all if the pay and benefits were high and the appointments went to long time political supporters and functionaries looking for do nothing jobs.

12 years ago @ - Teen violence linked t... · 0 replies · +6 points

Let's be real this is a fake study. The government is looking for a reason to tax soda. Every time it is brought up folks scream at their representatives. This study now gives a reason - prevent violence in young people. My thought - Total nonsense. It's a regressive tax aimed at the Middle and Lower class. Why should they drink something tasty. People with money import water or just drink wine.. Water is good enough for those non rich folks. Politicians need more tax money for them to spend... I'm so tired of these studies.

12 years ago @ - IMF to increase resour... · 1 reply · +10 points

Where does the IMF get its money? I'm beginning to think this group believes it has the right to increase US debt to provide more funds to try and stabilize Europe. Now this $400 billion has to be coming from somewhere. It's also a basic question a reporter needs to ask and get answered in working on this type of story. So, where can this money be coming from?

The European countries are on the verge of the Euro collapsing - it can't be them?

Could it be China?

Or do these leaders just believe what's annother $400 billion if it gets added to US debt?

12 years ago @ - Clinton, Rousseff urge... · 1 reply · +4 points

Is Hillary reaching out to the Democratic base saying: "Draft Me!" for the 2012 presidential race?

12 years ago @ - Gore: Scientists Would... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is the same Al Gore that spent $8.875 Million for a luxury getaway in Montecito, CA. This approximately 6,500 sq. foot home boasts 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a large pool house, 6 fireplaces...

This is also the guy who wants higher gas prices, push up the cost of living of average Americans. Yes, three dead polar bears after a storm seen from the air means Global Warming is drowning all the polar bears.

Cap and Trade - buying carbon credits is the modern version of indulgences, once used to bring wealth into the Catholic Church. I think it is time for a modern reformation to free Middle Class Americans from this nonsense being use to make wealth for folks like Gore and the very rich International companies, including oil companies, that are pushing these "green" legislations.