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1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Joe Biden Is Dead Last... · 1 reply · +7 points

This is a poll for those who believe everything they see on the internet. A truly scientifically concucted poll like a Pew Research Poll would have more interesting results. I suspect that Putin would rate much higher than any of the other three and if Lula and Xi were included they woull be rated high also.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - The Electric Kool-Aid ... · 0 replies · +5 points

January 6th could look like a Sunday picnic compared to what could happen if one party is able to use bogus legal claims to keep the most popular candidate off the ballot in 2024. Liberals seem to be giddy about their mischief but when actual civil war breaks out they will hiding under their beds.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... -  President Putin:... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeltsin, after infiting predatory capitalists from the U.S. to manage Russian economic transition, left the country a complete wreck when people even starved to death. It took Putin and the other officials a long time to recover economically and militarily and rein in the oligarchs who had stolen so much of Russia's wealth. Russia began working in earnest after NATO threats in 2008 to increase capability and by 2019 had reached a level that gave them greater confidence in challenging the West. Russia now has perhaps the best functioning economy in the West and a military that can take on anything that NATO brings and win. In regard to Ukraine, the NATO countries pay the salaries of the Ukronazi troops, they provide the training and the weapons and the ammunition and so this is a NATO war against Russia and they are losing badly.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Post · 0 replies · +1 points

The leaks of these documents seem to be strategic and Teixera must be a patsy. It will be interesting to see if we ever find out the true details. I hope Seymore Hersh can get another one of his sources to help us out.

1 year ago @ http://www.information... - Ukrainian commanders s... · 0 replies · +2 points

U.S. draftees had a solution for this in the Vietnam war. It's called "fragging" and besides, it isn't only the troops behind who have weapons and grenages.

2 years ago @ http://www.information... - Text of Putin’s ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think your take on the Kennedy assassination is the only conclusion that an intelligent, sane person can have. Of course Allen Dulles was very efficient in hiding the evidence but we know what happened and so did presidents who followed LBJ. The intimidation had an effect or, in Obama's case, there are reasons to believe that he is a CIA creation.

2 years ago @ http://www.information... - Joe Biden’s Secr... · 0 replies · +1 points

There are already NATO crews operating the HIMARS so the U.S. and its lackeys are stepping gradually into a hot war with Russia.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... - Ukraine\'s Zelensky sa... · 2 replies · +7 points

A few days ago, one of Zelensky's negotiators was shot dead by members of the "security apparatus." It was a message to Zelensky himself not to be making concessions.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -  How Russia Will ... · 0 replies · +11 points

Excellent piece with serious predictions.

3 years ago @ http://www.information... -   Russia-Ukraine ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is something we have been talking about for the past few years. The U.S. is ominously aware of future economic effects of the Eurasian cooperation agreements and have been looking for a strategy to disrupt them because American would be left out. Now they have forced the spark that might lead to a significant barrier to these organizations and Germany, since it is still an occupied country, has no choice but to follow along.