


62 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ - Records allege Utah ma... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is the worst story I've heard in a long time. Why would a parent brutalize or allow their own child to be harmed. Hell has a special place for these two.

14 years ago @ - Baby left in vehicle f... · 1 reply · 0 points

What a tragedy for this baby. No-one in the world looking out for it. Maybe Oprah will adopt it. or Brangelina? Halle Berry? Bullock? I hear these stories and wonder how these people continue to populate the world. You'd think natural selection would weed out the really stupid ones. Right?

14 years ago @ - Two brothers accused o... · 2 replies · +2 points

thor, you must have a personal stake in this. You've posted aggressive arguments in defense of these men. What is your connection to these men? Are you related? Did you come over to America recently, like these other men? By your posts, it sounds like you're the one who may be prejudiced in favor of these guys.

14 years ago @ - Man shot in back durin... · 2 replies · +1 points

Only a big fat rat woudl shoot a man in the back.

14 years ago @ - Fidel Castro applauds ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is the exact red flag that should tell the average American person that we are going in the wrong direction. Obama, friend and co-conspirator to communist dictators everywhere.

14 years ago @ - Dogs linked to fightin... · 0 replies · -2 points

State Law says to euthenize these animals. Michigan voters have already chimed in on this issue. Animals used in dogfighting pose a distinct danger to the populace. I certainly don't want my family living next door to a dog with that kind of potential.

14 years ago @ - GR votes against Azuca... · 0 replies · +2 points

Let's do some math: This bar is open 2 nights per week. 52 weeks per year. The report cites 340 calls that required police response since 2007 (Let's assume exactly three years (2007,2008,2009)). 2 X 52 X 3 = 312 nights open over three years. Let's assume that this bar does not get "rockin" until about 10PM. So, from 10PM to 2PM, these calls were made. 4 hours per night X 312 nights = 1248 hours in operation over three years. So, in 1248 hours operating this bar has generated 340 calls. On average, that is one call every 3.67 HOURS. Or, look at it this way, every night this bar has been open, at least one call was made to police each night. Azucar does not have a leg to stand on. Shut it down.

15 years ago @ - Malmberg charged with ... · 0 replies · +11 points

Second degree murder? He kneeled on a two year old's chest until she stopped breathing. He must have struck a deal with the Kent County Prosecutors office. He WILL get life in prison. I don't know what the sentencing guidelines are for second degree murder but I say park a pickup truck on this guys chest and piss on him as he dies. Dirtbag. And this 21 year old "mother" does not deserve the precious gift that is motherhood. She has another baby that needs to be taken away from her and she needs to have her uterus forcibly removed.

15 years ago @ - Calistas dad takes the... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well, sure. If you want to look at it like that. I retract my last statement as it does sound rather STUPID in hindsight. Thank you for your objective responses.

15 years ago @ - Calistas dad takes the... · 10 replies · -13 points

I've heard that having a family member with a disorder can be the ultimate familial challenge. This family, in my opinion, was doing the best with what they had. The wife's legally blind, the husband has to work and support the family and to top it all off, Chalista is killing small animals and hurting herself. Sounds like the fire was a blessing from God. Leave what's left of this family alone.