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13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @stickyJesus 7) Chri... · 1 reply · +1 points
This is such a great list for how to be a game changer - like Kawanzaa, felt a small burden lifted as I realized that prayer was #1 ... this isn't ME doing this ... it's God working through me - and those are very different things.
Great post dude!
13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @StickyJesus 2) Jesu... · 0 replies · +1 points
Jesus's ministry was full of conundrums ... his ability to make a true impact in the life of the people in the crowds was enhanced by the community that he formed with those closest to him - and vice versa. I almost get overwhelmed when I think about "the greater things" that I am called to do, and then I remember all I can do is take baby steps along the way!
13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @StickyJesus 2) Jesu... · 0 replies · +1 points
I am much more in favor of the second too! But I do think that there are times when are lists get inflated and we don't do a good job of reaching out to the people "on our list" ... so just the thought of "shortening my list" makes me want to be more intentional about reaching out :)
13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @StickyJesus 2) Jesu... · 0 replies · +1 points
I LOVE THIS! We are all called to be missionaries ... right where we are. What a gift social media is!
13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @StickyJesus 2) Jesu... · 0 replies · +1 points
It is so hard sometimes to keep going ... wondering if the words we are saying are even making a difference. And while I do think quantity is some indicator that we are "doing the right thing", I think it's so easy to get caught up in "growing the number" without focusing on the relationship. What I loved about this chapter was that it stressed the importance of focusing on relationship ... and when you do that well, the numbers will grow. Because it's not only about the words you say, it's about the relationship you build in using those words.
13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - > @StickyJesus 2) Jesu... · 0 replies · +2 points
14 years ago @ Soul Munchies - RIP Rev. Darlene Grega · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Soul Munchies - RIP Rev. Darlene Grega · 0 replies · +1 points
14 years ago @ Soul Munchies - RIP Rev. Darlene Grega · 0 replies · +1 points
I'm not sure that we'll ever truly know the reason she took her own life. We can only speculate. Some will speculate it was because of her depression. Some will speculate, just as you have, that it was because there were still people who made her job impossibly difficult. I think her death does raise questions about how hard it was to be the 1st female campus pastor at Valpo - but blaming our society doesn't help people grieve the loss of someone who was beloved.
To me, the reason she took her own life is irrelevant. Perhaps it was because of depression. Perhaps it was because she just couldn't fight the system any longer. It was likely a combination. I know there have been times in my own ministry life that I'm not sure how I can find the strength to keep fighting. As one who also struggles with depression, I can see how the two can work together to make it seem hopeless.
When someone dies, especially when someone commits suicide, those of us left behind are left with so many questions that may never be answered. I think there comes a time when we have to stop seeking answers to those questions and begin living out the legacy of the person who has left us. I hope that we don't point fingers as to the cause of her decision but that we are able to learn from this - that we can move forward from it and work together to have difficult conversations about difficult subjects. I pray that we begin to understand that we all have struggles and we all need a safe place to share those struggles without feeling judged or condemned.
14 years ago @ Soul Munchies - RIP Rev. Darlene Grega · 0 replies · +1 points