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12 years ago @ WGNO-TV - Public Reaction To Ray... · 0 replies · +1 points

So sad they did not indict him before Katrina, since he just left those school buses idle and unused and let his citizens die. Some people keep supporting politicians who bring them only unemployment, poverty, illiteracy and death, just because they are the same race or the same party. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

12 years ago @ http://teapartiers.blo... - http://teapartiers.blo... · 0 replies · +1 points

baloocartoons�commented on
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My reaction:
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12 years ago @ Center for a Stateless... - SCOTUS: Render Unto Ca... · 0 replies · +4 points

It's funny, the bottom 5 floors of the building I live, at 23rd and M Streets NW in DC, are being gutted to house a new Kaiser Permanente -- which will service government fat crats in DC

12 years ago @ The New Civil Rights M... - Dan Savage, Michelle M... · 0 replies · +2 points

&lt;div class="idc-message" id="idc-comment-msg-div-386398147"&gt;&lt;a class="idc-close" title="Click to Close Message" href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(386398147)"&gt;&lt;span&gt;Close Message&lt;/span&gt; Comment posted. &lt;p class="idc-nomargin"&gt;&lt;a class="idc-share-facebook" target="_new" href=" = just commented on Dan Savage, Michelle Malkin, GOProud, And ‘House Faggots’ | The New Civil Rights Movement" style="text-decoration: none;"&gt;&lt;span class="idc-share-inner"&gt;&lt;span&gt;Share on Facebook&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt; or &lt;a href="javascript: IDC.ui.close_message(386398147)"&gt;Close MessageDan Savage, or rather Keenan Houlahan, the plumbing advice columnist whose internalized homophobia lead him to abandon his given name of Keenan Houlahan as too faggoty, for the masculine comic book hero moniker "Dan Savage," has once again sought media attention, calling a gay political group "faggots" for endorsing someone not his choice for President.

In particular he called them "house faggots," which is probably projection, given Democratic party gays' long tradition of sucking up slights, evasions and half-measures, while bending over and spreading their wallets for politicians who otherwise ignore them.

It was kind of an odd charge though, since the group he was attacking, GOProud, is not a membership organization, and has an advisory board heavy with heterosexuals, like author Margaret Hoover and taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist. How can these people be house faggots when they aren't even faggots?

One supposes he was aiming at the group's director, Jimmy LaSalvia, and founder, Chris Barron, who are bonafide (as it were) homosexuals, or perhaps its staff, a uniformly delectable group of college age gay interns (I have visited their Capitol Hill office). The curiosity there is that Chris Barron did not endorse Romney, but instead is supporting Libertarian presidential candidate Governor Gary Johnson, and was indeed a Johnson delegate this May at the Libertarian Party nominating convention. Further the GOProud advisory board endorsement was not unanimous, and even the endorsement they did issue had a heavy context of "gay people are more than simply gays, they also are taxpayers who need jobs and a president who will not lie to them, hence Barack Obama fails on all counts," and for those who are two party faithful, only one "hold your nose" or "hope he evolves" choice remains (and Romney's history is certainly one of ... evolutions).

The gay trolls who live in the leftover blogosphere are in their usual ferment. Too ugly to leave their basements for a gay bar or film festival, they sit at home all night on their PCs typing howlers in worship of their hero Keenan Houlahan. The comments at the leftoid RawStory are particularly laughable. The author manages not to know or report any of the facts I laid out (GOProud board may be mainly straights, Barron a Libertarian not supporting Romney, etc.). The insectoid readers continue on, discussing Log Cabin Republicans, which is (1) not GOProud, (2) a membership organization, and (3) has, I believe, not (yet) endorsed Romney. And of course these poor anencephalic poofters (no doubt doubly anencephalic, actually) begin barking about how white gay males who are part of the 1% identify with the ruling class, even as these leftoid pole smokers defend their master's use of predator drones to kill gay children in Arabia, his placing of gay and lesbian Americans on his Presidential kill list, and his bailout of crony capitalists who control the Federal Reserve System. And even while gay white male Keenan Houlahan strokes these sheeple and laughs all the way to the bank and his White House dinners with their money.

Good thing so many of them will not breed.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 2 replies · +10 points

I am saying your side depends on lies. Just as Joan Walsh spent the summer claiming Mr. Breitbart fabricated Antony Weiner's tweets and pics, something she has never apologized for doing.

Pointing out that a family and a party covered up a killing for decades to retain a grip on power is not disrespectful to a family. They should have dealt with the situation themselves years earlier, and were complicit. And perhaps not the first time.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 4 replies · +7 points

Well, he did leave a girl to drown and got off and then became a Senator. So this was speaking truth to power.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am so glad I did meet him briefly once or twice.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +1 points

I hope all is not perfect in Heaven so there will be something to agitate against. RIP hero.

13 years ago @ Godfather Politics - What’s Happened to A... · 0 replies · +1 points

As to Coulter's position on Gingrich she clearly said at CPAC that she loves the way Gingrich attacks the media etc, that she has no problem with anyone doing that, indeed she is the person who does that, but that she thinks when running for office it is best to talk about taxes, debt, jobs, and not whether Obama is a Kenyan etc.

As to GOProud it is a gay group that mainly talks about the need for tax cuts, debt reduction, and school choice. It does favor the repeal of DADT and opposes DOMA but it does not even have an official position on gay marriage, though many of its supporters, like me, do favor gay marriage.

Coulter still is pro-life and against gay marriage and even seems to think being gay is a sin, though perhaps a minor one. She simply thinks gay conservatives and libertarians are important activists in the party especially when they work on broad issues all taxpayers are citizens are intrested in. She has said this clearly many times.

If you want to get your panties in a bunch go read my politically incorrect, anti-Obama, gay blog, BigHomo <a href="http://("" target="_blank">(" target="_blank"&gt; <a href="http:// (;lt;/a&amp;gt;" target="_blank"> <a href="http://(" target="_blank">( You can fret all you want about the demise of Christendom. Ann is still one of yours, she is just willing to be civil and have drinks and gossip from time to time with gay guys.

13 years ago @ - Huckabee: Media Matter... · 0 replies · +1 points