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15 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Hurt People, Hurt People · 1 reply · +1 points
That statement is so true sounds like a psychology class, but way too many times we behave irrationally based on past occurrences. Sounds like a book newlyweds need to read in learning how to love maturely.
15 years ago @ Lindsey Nobles - Now, Discover Your Str... · 0 replies · +1 points
Love your site!
15 years ago @ - Nowhere to Go · 1 reply · +1 points
I used to be a little too daring and would give rides to people I saw in need. I never did get hurt, but I realized that as a female, a very naive female, that anything can happen.
The best thing that we can do is share the gospel and point them in the direction to help themselves. If they are wanting our help, then I think it's best to ask the problem, so we'll know how to help. Money or food isn't always the answer (or rarely is).