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15 years ago @ EclipseMagazine - TELEVISION TECHNOLOGY:... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ EclipseMagazine - TELEVISION TECHNOLOGY:... · 2 replies · +1 points
But it does. That's how it was designed. That's how it works.
Michelle, you complained about something which is untrue. You were corrected by no less than 3 experienced TiVo users in less than a day. Yet you persist in your position. This is highly disappointing.
15 years ago @ EclipseMagazine - TELEVISION TECHNOLOGY:... · 1 reply · +1 points
You complain about having to delete shows twice. You don't. ONE press of the Clear key deletes the show — no need to go into the Deleted folder, unless you want to _permanently_ erase the show (e.g. a questionable movie). Otherwise, TiVo will reclaim deleted shows when it needs the room. In the meantime, they're available for _un_deletion, an essential feature. (Remember typewriters? They had no Undo function. Wasn't that fun? My cable DVR has no undelete, and this permanence gives me the willies every time I delete a show.)
You complain about how deeply essential functions are buried in the menus. TiVo thoughtfully gave power-users shortcuts: press the TiVo key, followed by TiVo or a digit. TiVo + TiVo = Now Playing; TiVo + 2 = "Two"-Do List; TiVo + 4 = Search "Four" Programs by Title. These are documented all over the Net. Your complaint about keystrokes needed to "Connect To The TiVo Service" is specious; it's only used during setup, or when debugging your network. TiVo connects automatically on a daily basis; you normally *never* have to use it.
You call the Now Playing screen "cluttered as heck". Can you elaborate on that? Each show is listed with one colored icon, title, and date — it's an exercise in minimalism. If it's the organization of the list which irks you, have you noticed the nice prompt at the bottom of the screen? It leads you to — gasp — a customization screen, allowing you to sort the list and group each series' episodes into a folder.
Finally, you gripe about having to unlock the 30-second skip, and claim that "Every other DVR I’ve ever used has this feature when you first turn it on." Cable DVRs are typically Scientific Altanta (which has NO 30-second skip) or Motorola (which requires programming the sequence into your remote, like TiVo). DirecTV and U-Verse have no 30-second skip. (They have a 30-second fast-forward instead.) It seems "Every other DVR" you've used excludes the majority of installed units.
Again, I agree with some of your comments, but many of them are wrong or ill-researched.