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12 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Call Me Crazy, But I T... · 2 replies · +9 points

I was thinking the same thing. It seems like others were watching a different debate than I. Can you imagine if Romney had made the crack about horses and bayonets ? It would be the lead story through election day.

12 years ago @ Commentary Magazine - Akin's Crime Against P... · 1 reply · +3 points

Very well written article, considering the author doesn't share the convictions of the "hard-core" pro-lifers.

The answer to rape or incest is really determined by one's position on abortion itself. If abortion is wrong, it's always wrong. Just like murder.

"They argue that the unborn possess an independent right to life, that one would and should not do to them in the womb what would never be done to them one second after they were born alive. Wanted or unwanted, conceived in love or in violence, they are ensouled and they are people."

I realize this is a tough subject. I asked a dear Christian lady what she thought, and her immediate response was that the evil of the rape was now in the woman's womb - but that's not really the case.

A friend recently had a grandchild in less than desirable circumstances. But this child is now the light of their lives, as well as the mothers and young aunts and uncles.

And I think you'll have to admit, the ferocity of the left to hammer on this issue is not really about "cases of rape or incest", it's really about the totality of abortion. Which is pure evil, yet it's the "law of the land", passed under very shady / shaky circumstances in Roe v. Wade.

12 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Morning Bell: 10 Ways ... · 1 reply · +11 points

How about drilling in ANWR ?

13 years ago @ The Heritage Foundry - Morning Bell: Obama's ... · 7 replies · +41 points

let's get away from the term "crony capitalism", and call a spade a spade - it's corruption.

and Frank Luntz agrees.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 9/11, Radical Islam, a... · 0 replies · +1 points

That was my first reaction, 100% correct.

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 9/11, Radical Islam, a... · 0 replies · +2 points

That was my first reaction, 100% correct.

The PC crowd also refers to "radical Islam[ists]" as "extremists in one breath, then in the next breath utter "extremist" closely juxtaposed to Christianity, thus the deadly moral equivalency argument.

Bad Christians do not represent Christianity, but what the West considers bad Muslims are actually FOLLOWING Islamic tenets. You can look it up.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Sen. Lisa Murkowski's ... · 0 replies · +7 points

the whole thing of voter intent is a very flawed (now) legal precedent. In no area of the law (or life) does "intent" matter. A police officer would laugh at you, a teacher would snicker, and certainly your mom or dad wouldn't buy any intent cr*p. And most of all, my wife NEVER buys it.

But Alaska bought it, lock, stock and barrel. Now they swallowed it.

13 years ago @ Big Government - Sen. Lisa Murkowski's ... · 0 replies · +6 points

Dork-owski is only 2 letters off, like 80% correct

13 years ago @ Big Government - Sen. Lisa Murkowski's ... · 4 replies · +18 points

The following write-in names were accepted as "voter intent" for Murcowski:


and then the Alaska legislature passed (or is about to pass) "minor misspellings are ok if voter intent can be determined".

and how is it that voter intent can be determined ? I'm not sure about that legal principle.

13 years ago @ NewsReal Blog - What the LA Times is A... · 0 replies · +4 points

Suzanne, great article and good on the book. The loons are all over the place, it all boils down they don't want to be accountable to the God of the Bible.