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14 years ago @ Defense Tech - First Production Model... · 0 replies · +2 points
Equipment failures are common on prototype aircraft, and some aircraft have stability issues in certain speed ranges or angles of attack.
HOWEVER this was is the production aircraft, NOT the prototype.
If the aircraft was not "rock solid" by now then there would be some serious problems.
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Gundam hentai doujin i... · 1 reply · +1 points
Packing both together makes download time and bandwidth issues worse, and having to unpack the images, separate them, and then repack is an added inconvenience. (Since CDisplay accepts compressed image packs, I generally save space by keeping the files in their original zips.)
14 years ago @ Defense Tech - CV-22 Crash Caused by ... · 0 replies · +2 points
The engine failure alone would not have cause the crash due to the redundant transmission, and the co-pilot's reflexive "transfer of behavior" from the wrong aircraft would not have caused the crash.
And even those two failures combined weren't enough to cause a crash, because the pilot landed successfully.
It wasn't until they taxied into a ditch that the aircraft flipped over.
I'm still not sure quite how the DoD can get away with blowing up such an expensive piece of equipment, just because they cant come salvage it right away.
It's not like the insurgent's are going to steal the whole thing, and the technology is nothing particularly new.
If they have some sensitive equipment that they can't afford let anyone see, they should just make the part removable so the crew can drag it away from the airframe so it can be blown up selectively.
14 years ago @ Defense Tech - Israeli Fighters Scram... · 0 replies · 0 points
1. Due to public misconceptions about the effects of nuclear weapons, they will instantly lose most of what little international support they do have.
(the public doesn't care that lasting environmental damage is the hallmark of fusion boosted multi-megaton bombs, and stupid graphite reactor cores that can light on fire. Just look at how they react to depleted uranium being used in ammunition. Most of them don't understand that it's not radioactive, merely toxic)
2. Usage of Nuclear weapons will give the Anti-Israel factions in regional governments a rallying cry with which to stir up popular support for a multinational jihad. "remember the Alamo" but with some Syrian valley.
The only way I could envision Israel using their nukes is if they figure out where Iran is designing their nuclear devices, and somehow framing the Iranians for a criticality accident while destroying their facility.
I.E. making it look like Iran had been assembling a nuclear device, but designed with improper safeties, such that the device detonated accidentally.
Of course this would only work if the Iranians were using certain designs that detonate on failure, instead of just contaminating the area with nuclear material.
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Housou Shitsu No Trian... · 0 replies · +1 points
The usage of the word Bathos that you described, is it's usage as an English loan word.
Bathos in it's original language merely means "depth", as in Bathysphere.
Your usage of Bathos was started by Alexander Pope in one of his essays. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peri_Bathous,_Or_the...
I think the modern English term which would cover that sentiment would be "So bad it's good" aka "Cheese", or more specifically, its subcategory of "So over-dramatic that it's funny" aka "Narm". http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Ptitle... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Narm
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Dragon Quest hentai do... · 0 replies · +1 points
There is little risk of being singled out as the one who has to "take responsibility".
14 years ago @ Defense Tech - Happy Birthday USMC, W... · 0 replies · +2 points
Anyways, the infantry as walking tanks concept isn't far off from what is being developed.
Just look at the powered exoskeletons which have finally been developed enough that they are currently being field tested... with robot leg braces carrying all that heavy gear, the soldier can wear as much body armor as they want.
Eventually, the main limiter on how much combat weight can be carried is going to be the structural strength of the buildings/terrain the soldiers will be deployed in. Falling through floors becomes a major problem when a soldier gear weighs 500lbs
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Shounen No Kimochii [E... · 1 reply · +1 points
The only way to win is not to play.xD
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Shounen No Kimochii [E... · 0 replies · +1 points
FYI, bringing up Israel on the internet even in jest is probably ill advised.
Especially when you have readers with OCD who have actually studied the subject in detail. :)
@ oliver, jasta85
you have both completely missed the point I was trying to make. Which was admittedly unclear.
@ oliver
your analogy failed on multiple levels.
You cannot use child abuse psychology that is only relevant to adolescent individual subjects to analyze a multi-generational, international conflict, especially when it doesn't even apply to adult subjects. Adult victims of abuse are not statistically more prone to abusing others. For that to happen requires a pattern of abuse during childhood which ingrains the behavior as an appropriate response.
Second, your analysis of the situation with the Israelis as the dominant party in the equation is flawed.
Nations don't go on the defensive when they are winning wars. Israel would not have built two giant defensive fortifications if they had the capability to exert dominance over the region.
And finally, neither the Israeli public, nor the Palestinian public have anything to gain from the conflict and a great deal to lose. Even if the Israelis finally defeat the militants, they cannot annex the territory because of the demographic issues this would cause in their electoral structure. And the Palestinians will never be able to remove the Israeli presence in the region. While the conflict continues the Israelis will suffer a continuous drain on their military budget, as well as losing access to vast sums of money from foreign investment. The Palestinians will continue to live in squalor, with their entire manufacturing infrastructure shut down, and be unable to access the tourism that was the staple of their economy until 1987.
Since the Israeli government is directly voted upon by the entire population, and they have an ~80% voting rate, it follows that: If the Israeli government were at all capable of ending the conflict, they would do so.
This in turn implies that someone or some group is preventing the Palestinians from stopping.
This means whoever that person or persons are, they are the true "tormentors" of the citizens of both Israel and Palestine. Someone is giving guns and money to Hamas, Hezbollah, and the like and allowing them to preforming their charter.
Revenge never gives ANYONE the moral high ground EVER. The fact that by killing militants they are preventing further civilian casualties justifies many of Israels actions, but they are walking a very fine line.
Also, history lesson.
1. Israel preemptively started the war which captured what are now the Palestinian territories. they were attacked in 1948 and 1973, but in 1967 they were the aggressors.
2. Several of the Muslim countries in the area DO recognize Israel, which is why Egypt and Jordan no longer openly fund terrorist organizations charted to destroy the Israeli state
3. The "bullies" that picked on Judaism for 1700 years? Those were almost exclusively christian Europeans, not Muslims. The term antisemitism refers to both Jews and Muslims. The extent of the Arab Israeli conflict was that the Jews refused to convert, making them second class citizens. It wasn't until the 20th century that relations soured. In large part due to the influx of European Zionist Jews following WW1. They were seen in much the same way as carpetbaggers were after the American civil war. Relatively wealthy foreigners buying up huge tracts of land. Often buying from ex-Ottoman landlords, the settlers tended to evict the current tenants, some of whom had lived there for generations. This displaced large numbers of already impoverished farmers and herdsmen. When WW2 came along, the displaced Palestinians lapped up Nazi propaganda about evil zionists like cream.
Even today many Muslims view Israel as a stronghold of the colonialist "crusade", waiting for a new Saladin to come and reclaim.
14 years ago @ Hentai Rules, Free Zip... - Shounen No Kimochii [E... · 0 replies · 0 points
The Palestinians are more the victims of their Arab neighbors in the surrounding countries than they are of the Israelis.
They spent 20 years forced to live in camps by the Arab governments.
Then when Israel captures the territory, foreign militant nationalist movements set up shop, displacing pre-existing independence organizations.
When the Arab nationalist governments fail military to eradicate Israel for the third time in a row, they start funneling vast quantities of cash to the militant nationalists for the sole purpose of continuing where they left off. Beginning the terrorist bombing/shooting/kidnapping/rocketing campaign which has continued on and off to this day.
Then when things finally start looking up and the Palestinians finally start to get some semblance of the 2 state solution, the militants intentionally sabotage their fledgling government to prevent their power-base of poor angry refugees from eroding.
It is no coincidence that when the Gaza strip finally got a legitimate government, Hamas staged a coup'd'etat and began attacking israeli civilians across the border to force Israeli military action.
2005: israel removes israeli civilians from the strip and then withdraws militarily. Palestinian authority accepts full control over the gaza strip.
2006: Hamas uses foreign money to win a majority in the legislature
Militants begin attacking Israeli targets. Militants and Israelis trade border raids. Israel tightens the border security and uses counter battery fire to destroy rocket launch sites.
2007: Moderate Fatah party tries to stop Hamas politically, Hamas responds by taking over the entire government and causing over 650 Fatah casualties Militants launch massed rocket attack, Israel turns off the utilities.
2008: Israel gives up completely and seals the gaza strip border, 6 month cease fire. Palestinian economy totally collapses.
2009-present: Business returns to the usual pattern of constant small scale militant attacks, punctuated by sporadic bursts of Israeli military action. Success of the Gaza strip barrier reinforces the belief of Israeli voters that the least dangerous solution is to wall off the entire region and hit anything that pokes its head over with a stick.
End result of Israeli & Palestinian moderates cooperating at the expense of Hamas:
-Moderate palestinians are murdered
-moderate israelis are sidelined
-several thousand casualties
-Gaza strip unemployment rises above 80%
-Hamas gets 4.5 billion dollars of foreign funds