


8 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Why so shocked? ObamaC... · 4 replies · +5 points


I have spent the past year writing several hundred pages and recording 32 video lectures of "something useful" in regard to "how we should respond" to our failed government, churches, and culture. Here a link to the index of the articles which will become both the book and video series. http://americanvision.org/5562/restoring-america-...

It's full of biblical teaching and practical things people can do if they want to. I am sorry if that is a disappointment.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Surprise! Iowa delegat... · 0 replies · +1 points

Read the fine print under "Del*": ". . . some state parties release the total number of delegates to county or state conventions each candidate is expected to receive. In some cases, a presidential preference vote is held in conjunction with precinct caucuses, and the raw numbers from these votes appear in the State Delegates column." This is a projection based on popular vote, but not guaranteed.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Senate approves milita... · 0 replies · +2 points

Here's a link to the PDF version. See page 174, lines 4-6: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112s1867es/pdf...

What that repealed article itself said is quoted and linked in the article.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Salon: Muslims more lo... · 0 replies · +2 points

Why do you say this? We are reporting on what a Liberal website has said. We are not promoting their view, but rather exposing it.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - "Law of War" amendment... · 0 replies · +3 points

Where? When? Whom?

12 years ago @ American Vision News - Republicans just catch... · 0 replies · +2 points

Educate yourself:

"As an Air Force veteran, Ron Paul believes national defense is the single most important responsibility the Constitution entrusts to the federal government.

In Congress, Ron Paul voted to authorize military force to hunt down Osama bin Laden and authored legislation to specifically target terrorist leaders and bring them to justice." . . .
That’s why, as Commander-in-Chief, Dr. Paul will lead the fight to:

* Make securing our borders the top national security priority.

* Avoid long and expensive land wars that bankrupt our country by using constitutional means to capture or kill terrorist leaders who helped attack the U.S. and continue to plot further attacks.

* Guarantee our intelligence community’s efforts are directed toward legitimate threats and not spying on innocent Americans through unconstitutional power grabs like the Patriot Act.

* End the nation-building that is draining troop morale, increasing our debt, and sacrificing lives with no end in sight.

* Follow the Constitution by asking Congress to declare war before one is waged.

* Only send our military into conflict with a clear mission and all the tools they need to complete the job – and then bring them home.

* Ensure our veterans receive the care, benefits, and honors they have earned when they return.

* Revitalize the military for the 21st century by eliminating waste in a trillion-dollar military budget.

* Prevent the TSA from forcing Americans to either be groped or ogled just to travel on an airplane and ultimately abolish the unconstitutional agency.

* Stop taking money from the middle class and the poor to give to rich dictators through foreign aid.

As President, Ron Paul’s national defense policy will ensure that the greatest nation in human history is strong, secure, and respected.

12 years ago @ American Vision News - "Battlefield" USA: Sen... · 1 reply · +1 points

Appears to be an earlier version of the bill in my link S.1867 http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112s1867pcs/pd...