


437 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Sinclair News - Exclusive: Dr. Jerome ... · 0 replies · +5 points

facts are better than attacks. Presenting facts and refuting lies continually propagated by obotville . For example, disprove the already confirmed fact Ayers picked (with authorization) up barry's kids from school. The postman signing an affidavit of testimony to Tom & Mary Ayers financially putting barry soetero through college. These are real people first hand eye witness accounts including Larry's encounter in 1999. You accuse comment members of being "right wing nuts" you may be shocked to know many are dems fed up with the lies and deceit.

12 years ago @ Sinclair News - Exclusive: Dr. Jerome ... · 0 replies · +17 points

The integrity of LS News has jumped 100%. They do cover the news. Larry S. will not only prove his truthful encounter back in '99 but brings the focus of the consistent fraud propagated by barry soetero from the start. So thankful the truth is proclaimed.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - 'Undocumented And Unaf... · 0 replies · +32 points

This type of lawlessness is the format for obama. try this on the other shoe and protest the fraud of barry soetero, corrupt CONgress and you get arrested. NEW T- shirt for all citizens DC is CORRUPT. OR Dof J is CORRUPT or CONgress is CORRUPT

DHS Napolitano works for an illegal boss.

12 years ago @ Sinclair News - Breaking News: US Dist... · 0 replies · +3 points

congrats Larry. Your tenacity and integrity of the task is paramount to exposing the usurper.

When will the book content begin to "matter" for election '12 as your website stated prior to the new look site?

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Moore: 'Operation Hila... · 0 replies · +1 points

At least he helps Goodwill by buying his clothes there.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Obama To UAW: Don't Le... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, that's why they applied for exemptions from obama-$snare

12 years ago @ Big Government - Obama Campaign Tries I... · 0 replies · +3 points

THUG-ERY- simple Chicago means of extortion. It is rather obvious voters for barry soetero have little to no discernment about the demise of America taking place.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Geithner: 'Privilege O... · 0 replies · +5 points

And this pea brain directs the Treasury? Well, actually all the criminal minds of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgue, and funds theft magician Corzine channel thru tiny timmy timna turbo tax boy.

12 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Obama makes bold reele... · 0 replies · +1 points

He as the CIA plant from teleprompterville is probably right. The fraud of barry soetero as putative POTUS is the continuing nightmare. I know, all the readers here think the vote is actual, factual, and contractual but the reality is, the vote counting is done with foreign machines, with foreign software, and compiled results per programming. The illusion of fair elections will appease only the naive.