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12 years ago @ Big Government - CBS News: Obama's 11 M... · 0 replies · +2 points

The Evergreen Energy outfit mentioned in the CBS report has two major players on its board of directors--one director is Phil Deutsch of Perseus Capital who is the son of former CIA Chief John Deutsch (resigned for mishandling secret docs) whose wife is the Chief of Staff for Larry Sommers. Philip Deutsch is an operative of Perseus Capital--a DC Hedge Fund operation that includes the notorious James A. Johnson of Fannie Mae infamy. Evergreen also has (or had) a bigtime lobbyist name Charles McDermott on its board. McDermott was head lobbyist for the giant recycling firm Waste Management. Before that McDermott served under Joe Kennedy III with Citizen;s Energy.

Within hours of release of the CBS story, Media Matters came out with a shoddy "refutation" of the Atkinson piece.

12 years ago @ Big Government - SEC Files Suit Against... · 0 replies · +3 points

Sounds like that scene from Scarfac where Montana meets with Sosa and his corrupt pals:

"You have a problem Tony...but we have some friends in Washington that assure us that these troubles can
be taken care of. You may have to pay some back taxes and a little fine, but there will be
no prison."

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Watch WaPo In... · 0 replies · +4 points

The Washington POS is THE ESTABLISMENT SHEET. It is to Charles Krauthammer's eternal discredit that he continues to write for the miserable rag. Does he need the money that much? He only gives the POS credibility it does not deserve.

12 years ago @ Big Journalism - Rick Perry is not a Ra... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Washington Pos is published by Donald Graham, Harvard alum roughly same age as fellow Harvard alum Mitt Romney. Connected? Most likely. They have definite mutual intersts. The editor of the Washington Pos Katherine Weymouth (paid over $2 million per year) is another Harvard alum and establishment tool. The WAPO & its gang of dubious scribblers have targeted in succession Palin, Bachmann, Gingrich, and Perry. If Cain rises up you can bet he will get this type of treatment too. The Washington Pos, desperate for swag to keep the rag going, is brazenly and openly now serving as paid character assassins to get their hacks of choice in office. If Romney becomes president it is a lead-pipe cinch that he will return the favor to the POS and his Harvard pals who depend so much on policies that funnel taxpayer money their way..

Fox News is also very much a Harvard production. Fred Barnes, Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O'Reilly and Chris Wallace are all Harvard alums and pretty obviously pro-Romney.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - While In Congress "Mor... · 0 replies · +27 points

Hurricane Center update--the mouths of both Scarborough and Sharpton are "low-lying areas". Move to higher ground.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Who Was It Obsessed wi... · 0 replies · +1 points

Liberals will swallow anything;

13 years ago @ Big Government - Higher Education Refor... · 0 replies · +3 points

The cost of college has for years, risen at a pace far higher than the rate of inflation. Since 1986, overall prices have risen about 110%. College prices have risen an incredible 466% over that period.

The House Committee on Education & Labor former chairman George Miller D-Cal, a tool's tool on steroids, is to the education racketeers what Barney Frank was for Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. He has a very safe seat but the education donors heap money on MIller by the bushel. He received some $150,000 in donations from higher ed in the 09-10 cycle. Ridiculous, naked influence-buying.

Both parties are at fault. Bush 1 and Bush 3 expanded federal student loan, Pell & Stafford grants etc. As the feds pumped more money into education, tuition rates rose in direct relation. Clinton and Obama of course outstripped the Bushes in profligate education spending.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Diane Sawyer Claims Ne... · 0 replies · +1 points

In 1986 authors of the book Silent Coup were researching Watergate and stumbled on to the "Callgirl Theory of Watergate" promoted by journalists Phil Stanford, James Hougan and others. In this document,
http://www.nixonera.com/etexts/colodny_exhibits/e.... (keep clicking the large Next prompt)

released as part of the discovery process in a lawuit between John Dean and the authors of Silent Coup, we see how a serious researcher who had interviewed principals in the case, came up with a list of clients and members of the callgirl ring which was believed to be operating out of the DNC. The list of clients reportedly included John Dean and Ron Ziegler and among the callgirl's names were reportedly Maureen Biner (codename Clout) and Diane Sawyer (codename Ecdysiast). Maureen Biner later married John Dean and Diane Sawyer ended up working for Ziegler. The authors of Silent Coup pursued the Maureen Biner angle but never followed up on Diane Sawyer.