My daughter is "typical." When we were on vacation in Mexico, her second favorite thing to do, after the pool, was to ride the hotel elevator up and down. I'd just sit in the lobby and she'd wave to me from the upper floors (they overlooked it like a big courtyard -- sorry, this is completely irrelevant). Kids like elevator. And escalators. And moving sidewalks. Unless they're pushing every button in a high rise like that scene in "Elf," who cares.
That's one of those stories that if you wrote it for a novel, people would tell you to tone it down because it's too over the top. And yet here you are. Out the other end.
Damn you're strong.
Cool. Some people cut the cheese. You make it fly.
I don't even know what to say about the reddit thing. People who are going to be assholes are just going to be assholes it seems. I'm waiting for our time to get slammed, frankly. I have so much out there. If someone wants to go after me, I'm worse that a sitting duck. I'm a duck lounging on a floaty, drinking a pina colada with her hat over her eyes.
But I do have to mention -- I think that kid's got style.
I think all parents worry about middle school. But it's like sending one guy into a burning building in full fire fighter gear and another guy in with just a wet towel. Sure, the guy with the towel may come out just fine, but there's a much higher likelihood that he's going to get hurt. And it sure makes it more stressful to watch from the outside.
I don't know why this is so funny. I can't stop laughing. Why is this so funny?
I really, really try to be careful about this, but I'm sure I've made some mistakes. It's a hard area to navigate unless you take all your own photos. Sometimes I've needed something, found it, and then gone on some never ending treasure hunt to find the owner, and it doesn't get me anywhere. I wish there were better ways to, I guess, tag media. Or maybe it is tagged and I just don't understand how to find it. I'm not exactly the most tech savvy person on the planet...
I totally blame you. But then, I blame you for everything. My dog is sick and I got a nosebleed this morning, and I threw my fists in the air and yelled, "Damn you, Jill! Why! Why?!!!"
I was very, very happy to see your name on that list. Except that now you can't join my loser party.;)