


28 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - British Doctors Call f... · 0 replies · +2 points

The NANNY state simply makes crime easier for CRIMINALS.

11 years ago @ Frontpage Magazine - British Doctors Call f... · 0 replies · +2 points

Great! A family of five can take turns gnawing on the same piece of meat! "Ok that's enough - let me have a go at it"

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Study: Distrust Of Gov... · 0 replies · +2 points

Laughable! BRAINWASH! Because our founding forefathers must all have been nuts! Washington, Jefferson, Franklin warned us in so many of their writings, to be vigilant and ALWAYS question government. TO NOT QUESTION GOVERNMENT IS IRRESPONSIBLE and dangerous !!

To let the SEWER-STREAM MEDIA misguide you into believing that skepticism is a disease.....IS LUDICROUS !!!!!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Obama to Congress : do... · 0 replies · +4 points

Laughable if it wasn't so sad!

There is NO RECOVERY, Obama has done everything to PREVENT a RECOVERY, and when the implosion starts, he wants to PRE-DENY any blame!!


13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 1 reply · +2 points

You are exactly right.

Her position on the Ndaa and Patriot Act show her true colors - and they're NOT red white and blue!

AND it's AMAZING how many patella reflex idiots replied to you in a knee jerk reaction defending stupidity.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sarah PALIN is an expert at annoying people.

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Sarah: 'Annoy A Liber... · 1 reply · +1 points

If you want Obama to win - vote Newt. He is a divisive scumbag that motivates the left to come out of the woodwork.

Ron Paul polls show has the best chance of beating Obama. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Independents support Ron Paul.

The establishment BANKSTERS and the PRESSTITUTE Media do not!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Sarkozy to announce ta... · 1 reply · +6 points

ICELAND is the model to follow!!!!

Almost four years after they FOUGHT the banks - THEY REFUSED THE RAPE - THEY are recovering!!!

SCREW bankster RAPE!!!! LET THE BANKS FAIL!!!!!!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.com - Sarkozy to announce ta... · 0 replies · +4 points

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is another globalist who works for the banksters, NOT the French people.

Seemingly all the leaders have gone MAD, ALL perpetuating the SAME MYTH. Instead they all facilitate the BANKSTER RAPE!!

THIS IS A WORLDWIDE CRIMINAL BANKSTER OCCUPATION and RAPE of the global financial system!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago @ Breitbart.tv - Obama: 'I'm Not A Perf... · 1 reply · -1 points

Why the Drama Obama? In one word - you're a SELLOUT!!