I'm starting to think that Ivy might be the most photogenic kid, ever! It seems like all photos, she's just got this "I'm cute and I know it" face...Just way too adorable..
I actually remember being a lot smaller than the rest of my class (well not so much actually remember, but looking back at pics being astonished at how much punier I was than the rest of them), and hanging onto things much longer than I probably should have. It was harder with some kids (cause their always had to be some kid that points that stuff out), but once I found my friends, those things made me even happier to be who I was. Knowing Henry, he'll be just as good a big brother as Justin and Brian, showing her that through all that stuff, assuring her that there's always family and people that celebrate and love those differences. I don't know if it's entirely comforting, but Ivy is so confident, she'll rock her way through school. I just know it.