


133 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh gosh I don't think I've seen this side story, what is it called so I can go find it now?

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yvxr gur pbzzragf nobir zr, V'q nffhzrq gurl jnvgrq, gbb. Nyfb, 1917 jbhyq chg Rq ng rvtugrra (naq Jvael vf nobhg gur fnzr ntr) nf jbeq bs Pbj gvzryvarf unir uvz obea va 1899.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm working my way through the manga, myself, and following the anime currently running. I'm loving it so far, myself!

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 2 replies · +6 points

"She's currently making a manga called Silver Spoon, which is about teenagers at an agricultural highschool and is both fantastic and not horribly depressing."

I think this might be my favorite description of Silver Spoon yet.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +6 points

- Fbeg bs n purnc guvat V gubhtug gurl qvq jvgu gurz znxvat vg ybbx yvxr Zhfgnat xvyyrq Ebff jnf ubj va guvf rcvfbqr ur nfxrq vs fur jnf Znevn Ebff naq gura fanccrq uvf svatref va gur fnzr fubg, ab phgf ng nyy, naq gura va gur arkg rcvfbqr jura vg'f erirnyrq jr frr gung zber jnf fhccbfrq gb unccra orgjrra gubfr gjb cbvagf

V srry yvxr gung'f gurve pbaprffvba gb gur jnl pbzvp cntrf sybj qvssreragyl sebz bgure ivfhny zrqvn; vg zbfg oevatf gb zvaq gur "Oybbq va gur Thggref" cevapvcyr sebz Fpbgg ZpPybhq'f jbexf, ba ubj nal ahzore bs guvatf pna unccra va gur fcnpr orgjrra cnaryf, n yhkhel jr qba'g dhvgr unir va svyz zrqvn. Va pbzvpf, bhe zvaqf cebivqr gur pybfher orgjrra cnaryf ol svyyvat va jung frrzf zbfg boivbhf; gur fprar va gur navzr cynlf bhg gur jnl gur fprar va gur znatn ernqf gur svefg gvzr--vg qbrf jung crbcyr nffhzr unccrarq sebz gur cnaryf gurl'er tvira, ohg orpnhfr bs gur inthrarff bs gur thggre, gung vfa'g arprffnevyl (naq guvf gvzr, vfa'g ng nyy) gur pbeerpg nffhzcgvba. (Be nf ZpPybhq chgf vg, "Rirel npg pbzzvggrq gb cncre ol gur pbzvpf negvfg vf nvqrq naq norggrq ol n fvyrag nppbzcyvpr. Na rdhny cnegare va pevzr xabja nf gur ernqre. .... Gb xvyy n zna orgjrra cnaryf vf gb pbaqrza uvz gb n gubhfnaq qrnguf." Naq vg nyybjf sbe npgf bs fhogreshtr yvxr guvf bar nf jryy.)

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'd personally love to buy some for the OAV quartet, myself, if those were an option. (And the 4Koma Theater, likewise.)

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +2 points

Vg qrinfgngrq zr pbzcyrgryl va gur znatn. "OHG. OHG V YVXR EBL. UR PNA'G QB GUVF. AB. AB AB AB AB AB." Naq gura gur erirny pnzr naq znqr rirelguvat orggre naq orlbaq. Sbe nobhg gjb frpbaqf, naljnl. Orpnhfr guvf vf SZN naq jr pna'g unir avpr guvatf sbe ybat.

(V gbgnyyl fdhrny jvgu tyrr jura fur svanyyl pbzrf onpx, gubhtu.)

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +8 points

Thank you for doing this, it's wonderful!

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +5 points

I've worked out approximately where in the "Funimation" audio opener I need to hit the buttons on the DVD player to get the video roughly synced, myself. Though I always get it a tiny bit off and have to use the OP to adjust. Now if I could just get the desk moved around a bit so I can see both screens a little more easily...

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Fullmeta... · 0 replies · +3 points

Gung'f nobhg jung zl ernpgvba fbhaqrq yvxr, gbb.