


105 comments posted · 2 followers · following 4

13 years ago @ - MSNBC's Brewer: People... · 0 replies · +5 points

I hope everyone at MSNBC has a pension plan.

13 years ago @ - Breitbart Announce... · 0 replies · +1 points

If it was the least important thing in their lives then please tell me why do they have GOProud as a special gay conservative group.

13 years ago @ - Breitbart Announce... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well that is exactly the problem. The gay, lesbian, transsexual, bisexual cross dressers of America will only be happy when America praises their sexual practices. I believe they do this because they know in their heart it is wrong and are looking for reassurance that what they are doing is good and natural. It is neither. Saying it is wrong is not hate it is fact. We are suppose to hate the sin not the sinner and that is what I believe the majority of Christians do unlike say the Muslim countries who just kill gays.

13 years ago @ - 'Hawaii Has Said Presi... · 0 replies · +2 points

Obama has never released his "Birth Certificate". They did release a certificate of live birth. There is a HUGE difference between the two. A certificate of live birth can be obtained by anyone from anywhere in the world because it is only showing that a live birth took place, A birth certificate shows the place of birth, the hospital, the doctor etc. Obama could resolve the issue by allowing his birth certificate to be released. Along with the birth certificate issue there is the SSN # Issue because the location or area code in his SSN# is from a state where he never lived.

13 years ago @ - Speaker Pelosi's Parti... · 0 replies · +11 points

Deficit reduction has been a high priority, the 111th congress has been the most transparent and ethical in history, the TSA is keeping the air space safe touching your private parts, free health care for ALL, any corruption claims are a Republican conspiracy, 1 Republican vote and 59 Dem votes constitutes a bipartisan law, the Tea Party is Astroturf and racist, taxes are patriotic. Good Grief where are my government issued waders!!!!!!!!
Mandatory Drug Testing for ALL members of Congress!!!!!!!!!!!
Mandatory Mental Competency Testing for ALL members of Congress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago @ - Video of Apparent NYC ... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Union and its members should be held responsible for wrongful death- there were 2-3 that I have heard about.

13 years ago @ - Shameful: NBC Exploits... · 0 replies · +7 points

This is child abuse.

13 years ago @ - Liberal Star Blogger E... · 0 replies · +2 points

I guess we should all stop reading William Shakespeare because it is just so old you can't understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago @ - MTV Reality Show Highl... · 1 reply · +5 points

Here’s a novel idea- close your legs ho. The CHOICE is not after you are pregnant it is before you have sex. I hope you get your $h!t together for the sake of the baby, you might want to start with learning the English language and proper pronunciation, it will go a long way in helping you gain employment. If you are not married already get married grow up and take responsibility for your actions. You chose to have sex outside of marriage and you were not responsible enough to have maintained birth control. You have made mistakes now is the time to learn from those mistakes and continue down the life path you have created for yourself.

14 years ago @ - Obamacare Ruled Uncons... · 0 replies · +2 points

So does that mean MLK is just some old dead black guy from decades ago?
you said "most of whom are probably dead" Smoke to much weed today?
Hey just so you know it was a bunch of old white men most of whom are dead who gave blacks freedom, the world electricity, automobiles, computers etc etc etc. Did you know it was a black man who gave us the stop light? You have freedom now but push for tyranny. Strange indeed. Under tyranny you will be a slave to the state.
BTW I think your race card has expired to get a new one you will need to submit to a government background check, full body scan, finger printing, DNA test and chip implant oh almost forgot per Obama’s Acorn executive directive, proof of voter registration in all 57 states in the democratic party.