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5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Steven U... · 0 replies · +16 points
There is absolutely something deeply uncomfortable about Spinel's abandonment and subsequent behavior. A lot of people were rushing to criticize the writing/Steven for not being more sympathetic to her when she had clearly been abused, especially people who identified with her because they have Borderline Personality Disorder. As someone with Borderline Personality Disorder I think it's important to remember that we can be extremely toxic people, villains, when we're at our worst, and that there is a limit as to the responsibility other people have towards easing that fear of abandonment. Accepting that is an important part of the coping process, and I'm glad the show dealt with that.
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Sense8':... · 0 replies · +6 points
Seriously though, the fact that we got another special after this episode is a BIG deal, and it came after a huge outpouring of support from fans, the actors, producers, and LGBT community around the world. Rioted isn't actually the right word, of course, people basically pleaded with Netflix very eloquently about it, and it was actually really nice watching all these groups of people coming together to save Sense8 and give it the ending it deserved. If it had ended like this, it would have gone down as another wonderful show ruined by the ending, and thankfully, we were able to avoid that.
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Sense8':... · 0 replies · +3 points
Lito and Wolfgang are the ultimate BroTP and any second they're doing their thing together makes me so happy.
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Sense8':... · 0 replies · +3 points
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Sense8':... · 0 replies · +4 points
Also, the solidarity between women in Sun's storyline has been amazing, and this episode really brings it to peak- these are women who know exactly what it is to be treated as disposable, victims of the worst sexism has to offer, and it culminating in thwarting an attempted murder by the guards just feels right from a story-telling perspective.
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +6 points
There is a... not a power, per say, but a purpose, a meaningfulness, to simply being there for people who have no one else. To say "I see you, and you are not alone." And sometimes, that's all you can do. It's a small comfort, but not an unimportant one.
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +7 points
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +4 points
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 2 replies · +6 points
5 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Steven U... · 0 replies · +7 points