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12 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Daily Manna: Understan... · 1 reply · +1 points
12 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Introducing My New Min... · 1 reply · +1 points
I'm excited about your new assignment.
I look forward to reading of your adventures.
13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Start With You · 6 replies · +1 points
I believe this is some great advice. However, the "look inside yourself" approach has always troubled me a bit. It has that "Oprah" new age kind of message. It also seems to suggest that I have the ability to see my shortfalls.
On the other hand I see a pretty remarkable principle of Scripture here. One place it is stated very well in is Psalm 139:
Psalm 139:23–24 (NIV84)
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.
Interestingly enough, David had voiced the severity of his aggravation with others in the previous 4 verses and then he basically is saying, "God, get all of the yucky stuff out of me. Take the stuff out that doesn't need to be here and point me towards the proper way."
By no means do I believe you are trying to push some new age agenda. I have simply experienced the pitfall of leading and then tricking myself into some notion of false piety so I could return to people and tell them it was their fault anyway.
Thanks for your post.
13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 4 Realities to Help Di... · 3 replies · +2 points
My experience has been similar. No matter how difficult the situation, whether with a group of people or personal situation, there was/is nothing that seems dampen the voice of the call.
I do believe that anyone feeling that they are being called should have a group of people verify that the call is evident also. This doesn't mean a consensus from a few people that care about you and want to encourage you. This verification is something I recommend from Godly men and women that will pray with and for you.
I would add one more thing. Desire, is not the "call." There must be evidence of discipline and fruit that is evident in the area you are feeling called towards. There have been many good men that I know who can preach but do not have the discipline, the interest or the heart of service that is required to be a pastor. A Bible college degree and the ability to speak in public is not verification that you or someone else has been called to "pastor."