


7 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ My Blog Guest Updates - Creating Value Shall N... · 1 reply · +1 points

Value is always a difficult topic. This post is incredibly useful for people who are building useful/practical blogs.

But humor, tragedy, gossip, politics, random images, random videos, etc. - people every day are building awesome popular blogs around those seemingly valueless topics. Not every blog is designed to help. Some are merely designed to entertain and the same principles of stickiness, social proof, SEO, and connections still apply to them.

You're so very right that there is an overwhelming amount of material out there to help new bloggers and it's just impossible to hit every target because they're always moving. My piece of advice to anyone is to stop moving and just listen, read, and soak in for awhile. Subscribe to blogs you like, moreso than blogs that are offering advice. You will learn so much more by observation!


13 years ago @ Sweets Foods Blog - Blogging Tips, Social ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Gera!

Thanks for another great list this week. It's nice doing this, isn't it? You get to catch up stuff you missed. I always kick myself, like, how did I miss that one!?

Hope you have a great weekend, Gera. :)

My recent post Results Are In- Bloggers Prefer Comments Over Tweets

13 years ago @ Sweets Foods Blog - Successful Blogging Re... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey Gera!

That sounds like it was an AWESOME experience. You are so alive, doing all of these things.

I think that is the key; relationship building and experiencing life - it is very easy for bloggers to resist doing either of those things. So many of us get caught up in our blogs, almost to the point of becoming narcissistic. It hinders growth and hinders all of the amazing things that come out of life.

Your story is inspiring. Expect the unexpected. That is the truth! Thank you for sharing. I learned through this that I need to break out of my comfort zone as a blogger and also to open my eyes - what appears to be one thing could actually be something even better!


My recent post The Super Simple Guide to Making Your Blog Sticky

13 years ago @ Sweets Foods Blog - Blogging Resources, So... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hey Gera! I actually saw this last night immediately after you posted it, and I was so busy putting together mine that I forgot. :) But as you saw I was lucky in that because I was able to come snag the URL and put your link at the top of my list!

I'm always grateful that you link to me and that we have connected. I hope you have a fantastic weekend.

My recent post 27 Posts That Will Save Your Blogging Life

14 years ago @ Don Dodge on The Next ... - Why aren't there more ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I like posts like these, mainly because they give these women the credit they deserve. But if you take an objective, sociologist approach to the question, "why aren't more women in tech?" I think the answers would be kind of predictable.

I may be the kind of woman you'd find in tech eventually (I was a tech writing major and spent the early part of my career in software, too) but I'm well-aware that I'm not even remotely in the majority of women there.

14 years ago @ Sweets Foods Blog - Blogging -Writing, Soc... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Gera,

Thanks for the link! I wanted to let you know that Ileane over at Basic Blog Tips also posted a good Twitter post about becoming a Power Twitter user. Pretty interesting - talks about the paper.li tool.

You are listed in this week's follow Friday, my friend! It's up at the blog now (just too early to be in the comment luv thingy).

Cheers and have an awesome weekend!

My recent post What Are You Trying to Say

14 years ago @ Sweets Foods Blog - Blogging Strategies Lo... · 1 reply · +1 points

Hi Gera,

Great tips for planning for the long term, and these are also really helpful when starting out.


My recent post How You Can Change the World Blogging