


28 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ A Voice of Sanity - Liberty in Shambles · 1 reply · +1 points

Thank you for promoting The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy. It is the answer.
Thank you,
Cold Warrior

12 years ago @ Tea Party Tribune - Te... - Why the RNC Fired Mich... · 0 replies · +3 points

How, exactly, specifically, to you propose "we the people . . . put an enormous amount of pressure on the RNC as well as on state party officials and state delegates"?

Thank you.

Cold Warrior

12 years ago @ Big Government - Is the IRS Attempting ... · 0 replies · +2 points

There's an easy fix for this. Pick a POLITICAL party for your political activities and get inside it.

Per The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy. “Pivot” the grass roots conservatives in these various groups into concerted political action inside a political party.

I explain the Strategy here:

and here:

and here:

I hope this helps.

Thank you.

Cold Warrior

12 years ago @ - Tea Party Patriots Lea... · 1 reply · +1 points

TPP is finally figuring out that they need to educate their members about the real ball game of politics: political party politics. They are providing training, in some states, to their leaders about The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy. You can learn about the Strategy here:

Tea partiers and other conservatives need to UNITE and ORGANIZE inside a political party. Half the Republican Party precinct committeeman slots, nationwide, are vacant. About one third of the precincts in the country have not even one Republican precinct committeeman. If the tea partiers and other conservatives would fill up all these vacant PC slots, they'd be in the BEST position to Get Out The Vote for the best conservatives in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout primary elections and for the winners in the general election. And they'd be able to elect better, more conservative party officers at the local, county, state and national committee levels.

The real political power resides inside the Party with the precinct committeemen. Which is why, overwhelmingly, the "establishment Republicans" will never breathe a word about this to conservative Republican audiences. Incumbent Republicans, even the conservatives, do not want the status quo to change -- because that would mean they might get knocked out of office in the next primary election by a more conservative challenger.

Thank you,
Cold Warrior

13 years ago @ Big Government - No Rest For Conservati... · 0 replies · +2 points

Don't just type, act.
Go here:

Unite and organize politically inside the Republican Party locally where you live with other conservatives by becoming Republican Party precinct committeemen.

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior

14 years ago @ - TEA Party To Start Gro... · 0 replies · +2 points

If tea paritiers really want to become effective POLITICALLY, then they need to UNITE POLITICALLY. Where? The natural place -- inside the Republican Party as precinct committeemen, where they can elect the leadership of the Party and be in the best position to vet, and then Get Out The Vote for, the BEST constitutional conservative candidates in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout primary elections. That's exactly what the grass rooots conservatives in Utah did to deny RINO Sen. Bob Bennett a spot on the primary ballot. They learned the rules of the Republican Party and then registered as Republicans and showed up at the caucus meetings in droves and elected constitutional conservative delegates to the nominating convention. Bye bye, RINO incumbent senator.

I explain The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy here:

Just good, old-fashioned, basic American Civics and common sense. What the progressives banished from the government school curriculum.

Over half of the precinct committeemen slots in the Republican Party, nationwide, on average, are VACANT. If tea partiers and other grass roots conservatives fill up all of the vacancies, you won't have to complain about the Republican Party anymore -- you'll BE the Republican Party.

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior

14 years ago @ Big Government - Now Hold Their Feet to... · 0 replies · +1 points

"The Republican party has proven incapable of policing itself. Nor has it had the necessary time to purge and rebuild."

There is no such thing as "the Republican Party." The Party is defined by its precinct committeemen. The grass roots, "card carrying members" of the Party. Want to change the Republican Party? Become a voting member of it. NOW!

We can't change the Republican Party by standing outside it and shouting at it. The ONLY way to change it is by getting inside it. It's their for the taking by conservatives because HALF the precinct committeeman slots currently are VACANT. Conservatives, if you'd only invade the party in droves and fill up all the empty precinct committeemen seats, you could take over the Party lock, stock and barrel.

Go here to learn HOW to "hold their feet to the fire":

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior

14 years ago @ Big Government - The GOP Is on Probation · 1 reply · +7 points

"If not, we will do our best to replace the perfunctory Republicans in 2012. Make no mistake: performance will determine re-employment."

Amen. But HOW do we replace them? Go here to learn about the "how.":

We conservatives have to take over the Republican Party from the precinct level on up (or down, depending upon your perspective). To do that, we have to attend our local GOP committee meetings and then become "card carrying members" of the Party: precinct committeemen.

Never been to a local party committee meeting? That's the problem.

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior

14 years ago @ Big Government - The Will of the People... · 1 reply · +11 points

"Americans are tired of 278 people (give or take a few RINOs)–the minimum required to pass a bill in the House and Senate combined–trying to take control of their lives and rob them of the fruits of their labors and more."

Amen. And great, great video!

We conservatives also have to UNITE where it really matters: inside the Republican Party. We have to go beyond being just registered; we have to start attending the local monthly Republican committee meetings, where the real ball game of politics is played. It only takes a couple of hours of month to become a "card carrying member" of the Republican Party -- a precinct committeeman (called ward captain in some states).

By becoming a precinct committeeman, you can then vote for the leadership of the Party as well as vote to endorse candidates in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout PRIMARY elections. Currently, about HALF of these slots are vacant, on average, in every state and at every level. If conservatives flocked into the Party in droves (as has happened in Nevada, Utah and Arizona), they can create voting majorities within the Party itself and then elect better, more conservative leadership and vote to endorse the most conservative candidates in the primary.

The party is split about 50-50 between conservatives and moderates. Conservatives could change that ratio to 75-25 in their favor if they'd just flock into the local Party monthly committee meetings in droves.

Limbaugh talked about it with a caller yesterday:

Go here to learn more:

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior

14 years ago @ Big Journalism - 'The Majority of the A... · 0 replies · +10 points

We conservatives also have to UNITE where it really matters: inside the Republican Party. We have to go beyond being just registered; we have to start attending the local monthly Republican committee meetings, where the real ball game of politics is played. It only takes a couple of hours of month to become a "card carrying member" of the Republican Party -- a precinct committeeman (called ward captain in some states). By becoming a precinct committeeman, you can then vote for the leadership of the Party as well as vote to endorse candidates in the all-important, traditionally-very-low-turnout PRIMARY elections. Currently, about HALF of these slots are vacant, on average, in every state and at every level. If conservatives flocked into the Party in droves (as has happened in Nevada, Utah and Arizona), they can create voting majorities within the Party itself and then elect better, more conservative leadership and vote to endorse the most conservative candidates in the primary.

The party is split about 50-50 between conservatives and moderates. Conservatives could change that ratio to 75-25 in their favor if they'd just flock into the local Party monthly committee meetings in droves.

Limbaugh talked about it with a caller yesterday:

Go here to learn more:

For Liberty,
Cold Warrior