


135 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Unpopular YA opinions ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oooh it's raining more opinions! I'm with Sarah Elsewhere, would love to see a "check out these diversity blogs" -- or maybe even a "good rant" from you, if that makes sense? For example, "Gah, this is crap design, but check out the awesome design on THIS blog." Because I'm curious to know, too.

Well well I gots me some opinions too, it seems!

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Review: The Lions of L... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ahhh, so here's your review! (Can you tell I've been behind on my blog-reading?) So glad to know you like this one, and I'll let you know when I read it. =)

And then you can come visit me and we can tour Little Rock together. ;)

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Things I Like! (17) · 0 replies · +1 points

I will totally watch Girl Meets World! Kyle and I are really excited about it. =)

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Mini reviews: a few re... · 0 replies · +1 points

Haha those Higgins covers. Always with the couple and the dog. Every. Single. Cover.

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Saying good-bye to ARCs · 1 reply · +1 points

There's this tiny (okay, maybe huge) selfish part of me that wants to scream NOOOOO SARAAAAAAAH like a petulant 6 year old. There are very few book bloggers I enjoy reading nowadays, and you are definitely in the group that I enjoy reading when I have the time to catch up. But of *course* I know where you're coming from and I totally understand. =)

You should be able to read what you want, when you want. You should be able to scream from the rooftops when you love a book! So I'm looking forward to more of that. Blogging should always be special to you and on your terms, and nobody else's. xo

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Review: If I Lie by Co... · 1 reply · +1 points

I was just thinking about if there were any YA books set on military bases (is it a base, or just a town surrounding a base? That part had me confused) and then came across your post! Man that cover totally makes it feel like a LURVE STORY. Way to make my emotions all confused, publisher.

Glad to hear you loved it, though!

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Review: Easy by Tammar... · 0 replies · +1 points

I did end up reading this one a bit ago and liked it, although the first chapter was pretty intense! I kept waiting for Jackie to have her "aha" moment, though! But overall I think we had the same opinion about the book, definitely. Not super great, but not a dud, and kept my attention.

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Audio review: Liar & S... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've been wanting to read this! Not sure about audio, but I've read When You Reach Me and really enjoyed that one. Will have to give this a go. =)

12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - Make It Pop: How to Us... · 0 replies · +1 points

So glad to hear your panel went well! Adele said she loved it.


12 years ago @ http://yalibrariantale... - She's making a co... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'll never evarrrr stop reading your blog, Sarah. And yes of course I will come see you at YALSA this fall! Well, I won't be *at* YALSA but I'll be in the city so let's meet up, shall we?

Looking forward to seeing what you've loved reading lately. =)