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10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Eritrea: The Cuba of A... · 0 replies · +3 points

Eritrea A Nation in Isolation

[youtube n9YqRvevtV4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9YqRvevtV4 youtube]

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Eritrea: The Cuba of A... · 0 replies · +3 points

Eritrea: Beyond the Crisis

[youtube 1i8fxjM5gNY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i8fxjM5gNY youtube]

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - ERITREA: 9 Ethno-lingu... · 0 replies · +1 points

Eritrea - Behind the Crisis

[youtube 1i8fxjM5gNY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i8fxjM5gNY youtube]

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Ortac Resources Gets A... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ortac sees more Economic Grades in Eritrea
By Philip Whiterow

A third batch of assays from its associate Andiamo’s drilling programme at the Yacob Dewar copper/ gold prospect in Eritrea has shown economic grades, according to Ortac Resources (LON:OTC).

Gold grades included 4.14 g/t over 22.4 metres from 21.6 metres down, including bumper grades over short widths, and 3.60 g/t over 11.3 metres in another.

The drilling also recorded 1.27% copper over 10.7m in one drill hole.

Vassilios Carellas, Ortac’s chief executive, said: "These results, and those received to date, continue to demonstrate that the oxide copper and gold mineralisation intersected at Yacob Dewar is of economic grade.

I am also very pleased that the results to date confirm that both oxide copper and gold mineralisation is present as predicted by our exploration model."

The results from the YDD-048 hole were especially encouraging, he said, as they demonstrate that the high grade gold mineralisation continues from the surface and is present in areas where previous drilling provided an inconclusive result.

Ortac has invested US$1mln in Andiamo in two tranches to give it an 18.85% stake.

House broker SP Angel said: “The grades shown offer good economic potential if the project proves to have sufficient scale and consistency. The prospect appears to offer good potential for to host a larger VMS style deposit.”

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Turkish Airlines Adds ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Turkish Airlines has opened the Booking to ASMARA!!!

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Ethnic Tigrayan Killin... · 2 replies · +4 points

[youtube 3CmOz00mpMM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CmOz00mpMM youtube]

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Explosions Rock Nairob... · 0 replies · +3 points

The big telecoms conference EastAfricaCom planned to take place in Nairobi has been postponed due to security concerns

= = = = = =

Dear Colleagues,

We are sorry to announce that East Africa Com, due to take place in Nairobi next week, is to be postponed. In light of recent security concerns and of today’s bombings in the city we have decided we cannot go ahead with the event as planned.

Although we have held many events in the great business hub that is Nairobi, we have to put our delegates’, our customers’ and our team’s safety and security first. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims and with everyone affected by these events.

The Com World Series team is looking into potential new dates and venues for East Africa Com 2014. It remains an important event and we will make sure it is held in the best conditions and to the Series’ standards.

Best regards,
Julie Rey
Research Director
Com World Series

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - South Sudan Cease-fire... · 3 replies · +5 points

Broken ceasefire, whispers of widespread famine in the coming months and now cholera outbreak in the capital Juba. A very sad situation for our brotherly people of South Sudan

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - Sudan to Supply Power ... · 2 replies · +1 points

There is nothing called free lunch. If Eritrea gets Ethiopian electricity (indirectly) it doesn't mean that it's for FREE. Eritrea would pay value for money towards the electricity.

Hey, Who cares if Ethiopia gets Eritrean (iodized) slats or fish indirectly as long as it pays its hard earned money? It is that simple folks.

10 years ago @ .:TesfaNews:. - I Signed Peace Deal to... · 1 reply · +4 points

@erty, how old are you anyway? Lol