


112 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - Literally Just A Bunch... · 0 replies · +6 points

You can still get married there! I didn't remember that until way too long after my wedding and am still sort of sad about it because so cool! (literally, just cool, controlled temperature and all!) :'(

8 years ago @ The Toast - Toast Points for the W... · 1 reply · +2 points

Darnit, I just had to give that back to the library before getting to read it! (We were in the middle of moving and I was worried it would lost in the shuffle and never back to the library) Maybe I'll take it out again

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you for sharing! I've done a lot of end-of-life care for adults, which is still worlds away from pediatric hospice have the utmost respect for those people. I didn't even realize there was this need, but it makes complete sense. I don't know quite if I'd be up for it, but maybe.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +2 points

This is so late because this is the first chance I've gotten to sit down through a move. I tend to be ridiculously ruthless about my stuff through the moves. My internal monologue goes like this:
When was the last you wore/used this? Can't remember? At least more than a year? Get rid of it. And by get rid of I mean, 95% of the time, pitch it in the trash. If you keep thinking "well maybe great-aunt Suzie would kind of like this... Not that I've seen her for awhile" or "well maybe if I buy a new camera and clean out a corner and stuff I could think about putting it on eBay or craigslist.." No. Anything that can't get out of the house in a week, whether donate or sell or leave it at work with a "free to good home" sign, just needs to go in the trash. If it is still in the house after a week: trash it. If this internal monologue makes me want to cry about certain items, then keep it for sentimental value and chalk it up to "this is silly but it would make me really upset to get rid of."
I also try and get rid of anything I can look up on the internet (instruction manuals comes to mind) or like articles I printed out or whatever.
Get rid of everything.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +30 points

Agreed! I pulled it up so my husband could read it. His jaw dropped. He said "how many of them died in shame over this??" oh my poor sweet husband, exactly zero of them. Several of them are probably upset they even had to apologize.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 0 replies · +6 points

I grew up in Northern Virginia, with family still in the district and now I am in PG county and concurring with this! Heartily! If by "handle" snow they thought DC's attitude is "maybe ignore it I dunno doesn't it melt into the potomac eventually?"
I am thankfully off again today, I dug my car out but am at the bottom of a hill with very little sun and I'm worried it is just going to be a sheet of ice.

8 years ago @ The Toast - The Boy Comes... · 0 replies · +15 points

Hahahaha, I read this to my husband and his response "are.. are you sure this isn't my mother?" Although she doesn't discriminate between porcelain and other doll materials - wood, plastic, whatever, it will festoon the house. She has some creepy giant harlequin doll she hides in various places when my husband goes back home, like under the bedcovers or peering from a barely open closet door.
Recently she got our nephew into the act, sent us a picture of a doll hand he wedged onto Boba Fett's body instead of a head. I love my strange in-law family.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Link Roundup! · 1 reply · +1 points

re: leaving the room with speculum... eeehhhhhh... no, not my preference for this and I'd go so far as to say not a best practice either, preference would be to tell my medical assistant to grab Other Person but if I don't have an MA, it would be passingly tempting to not ruin my sterile field and positioning and so on (possibly the whole kit? ugh, in a cost-conscious place like PP that is some $500 down the drain) in order to get some confirmation on measurements. Have I never seen anyone do something like this ever? wellllllll...
But yes, definitely not recommended to place an IUD if you've got a uterine cavity size over measurements, if I recall off the top of my head over 9cm. The next question (do you go for a follow-up appointment?) would be do you need to do anything to follow-up on that? Probably depending on how oversized we're talking.

And sorry that you felt rushed, a private GYN place would probably indeed make you come back for one follow-up appointment to discuss it and another to actually do the procedure - PP generally takes the "we figure you want birth control NOW, not 6-10 weeks from now" approach which I always preferred. Taking multiple days off work / finding care for kids and so on only upped that likelihood that one of those follow-ups was going to have a positive pregnancy test.
Now, I love the implant so much. No issues with insertion! No partners whining about the strings! This is my third, next is due 2017. One day of spotting maybe every 6 weeks or so. Don't assume every terrible weird side effect you can find on the internet is going to happen to you. Reading about 10 people in the entirety of the internet who had Super Weird Response sounds like EVERYONE HAS WEIRD RESPONSE - you have to remember for every 'oh my god I hate it it ruined my life' online reaction, there are easily 1000 women who either like it or maybe it didn't work out for one or another relatively benign reasons (bleeding, bleeding being the main one - a month or more of bleeding is not uncommon with either Mirena or Nexplanon - if it is really bothersome ask for something, they are lots of ways to make it manageable) but didn't have their lives ruined or feel any need to post about it on the internet because it was not a big deal.

9 years ago @ The Toast - He's Just So Hard To S... · 0 replies · +1 points

They're lovely! I've run across them both in DC and Philadelphia. Walk around! Discuss chocolate and maybe the city. Eat chocolate. Great day.

9 years ago @ The Toast - He's Just So Hard To S... · 0 replies · +7 points

Oh this is brilliant. My dad finally figured out I completely lie about what times events are happening so he'll arrive on time. Alas for the restaurant telling him the reservation was for 6:30 and not 5:30 like I told him, and he arrived at 6:15.