Taith Bedwen Arian
162 comments posted · 0 followers · following 1
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Kingpin returns: one m... · 0 replies · +4 points
Rent gets raised, but they can't raise the prices of what they sell to compensate.
What they are selling is over priced or not really in demand.
For example, a children's clothing shop recently closed. I have a child in their target market. I rarely shopped there. Not because big box stores are cheaper (they are), but because the cloths were not casual. How many 'nice' outfits does a kid need? What I want for my kid are pants that survive a fall without tearing. This store had no play cloths. In fact the last time I found good play pants were at Tractor Supply Company (nice thick denim). I don't send my kid to play in $60 dresses.
Yet some people want to blame the mayor. Not free market capitalism, supply and demand.
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Kingpin returns: one m... · 0 replies · +4 points
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Chris Christie: \"I\'m... · 0 replies · +1 points
Ever see a teaser for the 11 o'clock news about something 'concerning'? All designed to get you watch something mostly out of fear, sometimes anger.
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Chris Christie: \"I\'m... · 2 replies · +1 points
One example: I was there when NJ sales tax went from 6 to 7. The head of news wanted a story on people going to buy cars to avoid the tax, even though cars are taxed on registration location not purchase location. The more reasonable story would be big ticket home items, not cars. It was all about ramping up the emotions about the tax increase, with no thought on anything else.
I agree that certain outlets are so biased in every thing they do they make me avoid them like the plague (several talk radio hosts, you can't even call most of that news, it is all opinion).
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Chris Christie: \"I\'m... · 4 replies · +5 points
I was a radio/TV/Film major. From my classes, internships, and jobs, I have one conclusion.
Every news source has at least on bias. The first bias is self-interest, for example anything with advertisers is going to worry about losing advertisers. Media on the left and right cater to their own demographic, to do otherwise is to lose viewers/listeners/readers.
Hoboken411 has his anti Zimmer bias. This site has its pro reform bias. Everyone has a bias.
There is reason I don't watch network news any more, one summer in a NBC news department was enough to see what drives network news, ratings.
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Chris Christie: \"I\'m... · 0 replies · +1 points
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - DANA WEFER LAUNCHES CA... · 0 replies · +4 points
Me, my folks were great. But good with fixing things, math, and science. I used to help my dad work on his Fiat. My mom fixed all our broken toys. Cleaning and cooking was not exactly a strong suit. I inherited the pack rat gene, it is so hard to toss things out.
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - DANA WEFER LAUNCHES CA... · 2 replies · +8 points
Saying that a woman should be cleaning the house, baking and being a good wife; is very much misogynistic sexism.
My husband does the cooking, because he is great cook, we eat much better when he cooks. I can bake, but that is damn lot of pointless carbs. I'm in charge of the garden. My fresh, home grown, organic herbs, tomatoes and peppers, just make his great red sauce even better.
He's the son of someone who could cook. I'm the granddaughter of a farmer.
I don't believe in men's jobs vs women's jobs. Or boy's toys vs. girl's toys. Unless you need to use your genitals to do it, it is just a job or a toy.
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - Indicted West New York... · 0 replies · +5 points
9 years ago @ Mile Square View - DANA WEFER LAUNCHES CA... · 2 replies · +4 points
At first I thought your extreme misogynistic sexism must be someone poorly satirizing the old guard camp.
Open your eyes, women work outside of the home, they run for office, and are not enough MRA pigs in the world to turn the clocks back.
Back when Garcia was in charge the meth lab was in the projects, I don't believe it was better under his watch.