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14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Do ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Unfortunately i'm not always 'drawn' to her different approach lol, however patience has taught me to how to appreciate ways my wife is different. I think in the end, i married her partly because as a person she represents many opposite traits that are not true of me. Things i desire, admire and need in my life. I'm learning from her though and learning to love those opposite parts of her. Makes the relationship more interesting and challenging, in a good way most of the time. A spouse who was just like me would fail to push me and encourage me and sharpen me. I'm eager to grow and change so in that i'm probably drawn to opposites. Those people provide learning opportunities for me.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Friday Discussion: Do ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I find myself drawn to people who are opposite in certain areas, but with close personal relationships I have typically seek out people 'like me'. I think my curiousity about what's 'different and unique' about someone opposite from me is the source of the attraction. I want to understand why they are different because i'm so used to my view and way of thinking. I got married 1.5yrs ago and have learned that my wife and I are very similar in many ways (ie- thinking, beliefs, desires, ambitions, convictions, activities enjoyed, interests). But our approach to issues, problems, and tasks in life is often very different.