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13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 5 Suggestions For Addi... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think I am hearing that we should never add structure just for structure's sake and I agree with that wholeheartedly. I am a pretty unstructured person, but have learned that structure is of utmost importance in a growing organization. Structure is like a safety net and a spring board all at the same time. It should catch you if things are out of control. Having a policy in place to handle something sensitive helps immensely. But, just as important is having a foundation to create from. This is the baseline of what we need to do will help get people started. The creative ones will start there and soar!

13 years ago @ Michael Holmes - The Danger of Being a ... · 1 reply · +2 points

I had a mentor in my corporate years who used to tell me your leadership was measured by how well your department or division prospered once you left, not while you are there. I always believed that (because he was my mentor) and worked really hard to raise up leaders and put myself out of a job. It never backfired. The company always seemed to find new places for me. I think when we begin to believe we are indispensable is when the problem sets in.

Jesus never felt that way. As a matter of fact, He said He needed to leave so that God could send the Holy Spirit. He may have been charismatic but He was humble and a leader of purpose!

Great post Mike!

13 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 10 Myths People Have a... · 2 replies · +1 points

Having experience with elder boards in the church I am always surprised that these leaders in business and community think - in the church you have to always be nice, not have strong opinions, and just pray about it. Don't get me wrong, we should pray about it, but....

14 years ago @ Michael Holmes - 5 Lessons from Christ-... · 0 replies · +1 points

Mike this is an awesome post! I have read about Truett Cathy and David Green, but not the others. However, I think you did a magical job weaving their stories into these 5 very important lessons. I am going to print out to keep as a reminder!

14 years ago @ Michael Holmes - 7 Key Financial Ratios... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey Mike, I agree with all of the above and the operating profit margin? When I ran 30 coffee houses all of my managers new what their gross margins and operating profit % needed to be. I also wrote a post a while back about small business owners needing to know their monthly break-even point. I have seen so many businesses who didn't know what the needed to stay in business. Several months of negative cash flow can take you down pretty quickly.

Thanks for the education. I will tweet it out for sure!

14 years ago @ Michael Holmes - 5 Ways to Turn Prospec... · 0 replies · +1 points

I love the example that the woman at the well brought the whole town! What a great depiction of the value of word of mouth. When our work truly glorifies God it gives people something to talk about!

Great post - lot's of wisdom here!

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - Unboxing the New Amazo... · 1 reply · +2 points

Looking forward to seeing how you like it after a couple of weeks. I love the Kindle 2 and it is still like new. Wondering if the enhanced features are important enough to reinvest. But....I do have a birthday coming up..maybe I need to hint to my husband.

14 years ago @ Matt Edmundson - Escape is easier than ... · 2 replies · +1 points

I find that a key issue for most people regarding change is that it doesn't happen fast enough. Once they admit the need for change, they want to snap their fingers, and have it be changed. God's timing doesn't always work that way and when the change doesn't occur as miraculously as the parting of the Red Sea, we go back to our status quo and think it wasn't meant to be.

Finding God's vision for my life helps me to be more patient as change occurs, as long as I am still headed in the right direction.

14 years ago @ Matt Edmundson - Thou Shalt Twitter in ... · 2 replies · +2 points

We have a local church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana who is doing online church really well. They have online chat during the online services. Some of the services are of the live service in their church arena and others are created online. A little different concept than you mention above, but they reach everyone in our area. Myself and much of the community who attend other churches also participate in this online movement. Here is the link if you are interested: