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13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - A Little Update · 0 replies · +1 points


Two thumps up!

13 years ago @ http://www.equinoxhobb... - DRAFTFeast of Blades T... · 1 reply · +1 points

Congrats on the wins on the second day!

I think the Tau player made a HUGE misstake by not spreading out a unit of Kroots or two, to push the Hellions and their inevitable charge away.

Trying to recover from a first turn assault by a unit as large and fast as the Hellions is almost impossible for an army like that.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - British ETC Team Sign-up · 0 replies · +1 points

This is how the Swedish team does it. It is also based on our rankings table.

On January 31, the rankings that will form the basis for team selection is established.
The three top ranked players are asked if they want to be part of the team.
If any of them decline the next person on the rankings is asked and so on.
These three then select a captain.
The captain can either be one of the three, or any other player they deem
appropriate and in such case he becomes the fourth player on the team.
The captain is then the person who picks out the rest of the team.
In addition to the three top ranked players, five players are included in the team.
At least two of these players must be selected from the 10 best placed
players on the rankings and the other three can be chosen freely.
If the captain was not selected from those in the top 3 but is in the top 10,
he can of course be one of the two mandatory players from the top 10.
Otherwise, he is one of the three players chosen freely.
Again, if not enough people in the top 10 accepts, the No. 11 asked, and so on.

The entire selection process will be completed and the team announced on svenska40k.se March 31th at the latest.

So, top three on the rankings, plus two more from top ten and three players chosen freely.


13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Guest Article: How I h... · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice article.

Against BA, I often think it is worth it to sacrifice an Archon/Succubus to get rid of a FnP-bubble.
Charge her solo into a unit with a priest and the priest has to come to you...

13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - Ard Boyz - Grey Knight... · 2 replies · +1 points

So you have six units with servitors that are mindless, but only one babysitter.
I think it's to much of a gamble...

And is the Grand Master on his own?
Perhaps switch a Razor for a Chimera?

13 years ago @ Imperius Dominatus - Battle Report: Dark El... · 1 reply · +1 points

I really like the greenish glow on your painted venom.
Keep it up!

13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - The More You Know - No... · 1 reply · +1 points

Is there any chance we might see some posts about your models as well or will you focus only on gaming?
Could be interesting now with Justin's percieved bad paint scoring.
Don't know how it went for Hulk, but of course it would be interesting to see his models too.

13 years ago @ 3++ is the new black - Necrooooooooooooooo-Mu... · 0 replies · +3 points

That's it man, game over man, game over!

13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - Need a DE conversion i... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, the unsatisfied player wasn't me, just another guy who's blog I sometimes read.
And he writes that that same army has gotten nominated to best painted in other tournaments.

As I commented in his thread, it probably is that the judges used some kind of scoring card where he missed out on things like squad markings, free-hands, basing or such, and probably the same with Dash here.

I've also judged painting in tournaments, so I know the enormous work and strain it is.
I am very impressed by judges even managing 200+ armies at all.


13 years ago @ http://hulksmash-homep... - Need a DE conversion i... · 2 replies · +1 points

You don't seem to be the only one who is disappointed. http://rumorsofheresy.blogspot.com/2011/09/paint-...
(and there is a link to the paint-scores too)