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3 years ago @ octopus pie - #35 · 0 replies · +13 points

The last panel is an accurate depiction of the the typical OP reader, at the exact moment they come across this page.

3 years ago @ octopus pie - #12 · 1 reply · +4 points

The baby brain + pandemic brain in Eve is strong. The idea of her sending "where'd you go" in present tense is hilarious.

3 years ago @ octopus pie - #3 · 0 replies · +6 points

Really hitting hard how new wrinkles and crows feet have popped up for Will, Larry, etc.

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #025 - well, duh · 0 replies · +1 points

Yet another thing that I have only just noticed now - 10 years and multiple re-reads later - Marek is wearing a shirt with a question mark on it when he arrives that morning (several strips back) and by the time Eve returns home from work, he's putting on a shirt with an exclamation mark. Amazing.

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #1023 - 1026 - that's it · 0 replies · +2 points

I don't think anyone's ever going to see this, but if they do, there's one more wonderful visual metaphor on this page (not sure if it was intentional or not!) :

That classic, inevitable, incorrigible behaviour of cats we have a love/hate relationship with - the "come pet my tummy, now I will disembowel you with my hind claws, and now I will lick your hand tenderly as if nothing happened" routine - really quite sums up Eve's journey, doesn't it? And Hanna's, and Will's, and so on. The idea that you kinda have to jump into your personal relationships with the expectation of getting scratched and bruised before you can reap the rewards. Eve's existence in the early days of the strip was defined by her (sometimes free-floating) constant state of worry. With time she's learned to love herself and be less constrained by her own expectations of how life is supposed to turn out. The fact that Eve endures the painful/playful routine with Manuel shows that she's reached some kind of understanding on this front - or at least, as much as she needs for now. Just a fun thing that resonated with me :)

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #1023 - 1026 - that's it · 1 reply · +11 points

It's been fun following the recaps and the commentary over the last few years - almost as good as finishing the original run itself, as I'm sure all the "veterans" can agree :) Thanks so much for giving us a peek inside the process Meredith (and thanks to Valerie for such amazing colour). Congrats on the success of OP - we're looking forward to Perfect Tides and all your future creative endeavours.

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #998 - america jones · 0 replies · +15 points

I always got a kick out of just how aggressively AJ demands that Eve notice her aura of cooperative energy (and adaptive coping skills to boot). "Look at how non-threatening I am! Look!!!"

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #953+ - the truth · 0 replies · +31 points

I've always loved the fact that Will consults what is almost undoubtedly a Chinese take-out menu in the process of, uh, diagnosing the ailment in question.

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #947 - past this · 0 replies · +4 points

It's an on/off ramp and thus single-lane. Hence the guardrail on one side but not the other.

4 years ago @ octopus pie - #944 - so breathtaking · 0 replies · +5 points

Just realized that she's picking a morel. And offering a "moral", of sorts, to Will. What a great visual pun.