This is a great post, and unfortunately, a more common problem than we'd like to believe. This is one of those situations that no staff member enjoys, and will likely result in some degree of discomfort in the church. However, in my opinion, the lead Pastor and key leadership need to reach agreement on the solution to let this staff member go. Then, from a position of strength and unity, the Pastor can approach the staff member (assuming Matthew 18 is already in effect) and give him the final plan. If the staff member is still unrepentant, the pastor and key leaders must have the courage to stand before the people and lovingly, but firmly, tell the people what has transpired to make this action necessary. Hopefully the patience, firmness, and unity of key leadership will not only save the Pastor's job, but can very possibly improve his position in leadership by taking the hard road and doing what is best for the church.
Just my .02!
Risk is so, well, risky! I believe if we as leaders dealt with failure in a more healthy and positive manner, that the risks won't seem so risky, and the consequences of a grand, but short-fallen attempt won't look so much like failure.
I think I'll send these to my supervisors... well, maybe not...
Your evaluation is so much simpler than the 7-step structure we use. In my heart I want to be a starter- I do have big ideas and big faith and opinions on everything! But people around me think I'm a better detail, flesh out the vision in a practical way kind of person. So, while I have yet to explore my gifts as a starter, I still dream big dreams as i follow a big God!
My first two steps were reversed.... i have always been afraid of taking the risk. Growing up, I was always challenged to be the best, to do the most, to work the hardest. While that sounds good, it also limited the risks i took to the things in which I knew I could/would succeed.
At a point now in life and ministry where God is challenging me to step things up in some areas, and there is no guarantee of success. but I just can't be the person God intends without taking this one. So, here goes... Embracing the fear, taking the risk...
Thanks for your wisdom and encouragement!
Spot on! Not many people acknowledge the important roles managers play in an organizational structure. Being misplaced in leadership or management can be very damaging to the organization, and can so immobilize the employees (business world) or ministers (church world) that they give up on what could be...