


4 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ Bronx Baseball Daily - McCann's bloop single ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Did the Reds say it was lost in the sun? Looks more like it was entirely misplayed and they all thought someone else had it.

10 years ago @ Bronx Baseball Daily - Yankees drop final gam... · 0 replies · +1 points

8:05 Tuesday

13 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - Step Aside Rebecca Bla... · 0 replies · 0 points

Since the "original" Friday video is just for fun, I think a parody of it can't be considered "lame" or a "rip-off"...

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - Writing a Life Plan, P... · 0 replies · +1 points

1.Weight at 200lbs or less Dec 31, 2011 - I want to be down to 210lbs before March 1 by eating less, trimming lunches and exercising more.
a.Limit fast food lunches to twice a week max
b.Push-ups M/W/F, situps T/R/S, treadmill Sunday / Wednesday.
c.Smaller portions at dinner / dessert.
REWARD: Apply to be a Firefighter

2.Improve my marital communications - I want to be less ready to raise my voice with my wife. To understand her better and realize we are one, and to be less ready to get upset with her.
a.Write down things I think of during the day to discuss with her in the evening.
b.Train myself to pay full attention when we’re talking.
c.One date night per month.
REWARD: Dinner at Carabba’s for two

3.Continue my education - Begin my Master’s program in August.
a.Determine path (EM or MDIV) by April and apply by May.
REWARD: Buy a model airplane

4.Read the New Testament – Spend study time, not just reading.
a.Use Project345 app on iPad to read a chapter five days a week.
b.Spend one lunch time per week in a longer study.
REWARD: Give five Bibles away.