


25 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ Church Techy - Computer Repair, Cowbo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post Kevin.
You should write one of the 'programming for cowboys' books.

14 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - 10 Confessions I Need ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the honesty Ron and for being transparent.

I hit everyone of those on your list as well as many more that I would probably receive a max characters entered error if I were to type them all in a comment window.

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - Why Plan B Is Often Yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Things have not turned out quite the way I thought they would in my life. In my career, my marriage even with my children. Having a newborn with a rare tumor often stops you in your tracks and makes you question things like this. These paths that all lead us to His ultimate will and destination for our lives. The good news is that Plan B although not in in original view, or at times not even anything we would have prayed for, has already been planned out by our Father.

14 years ago @ Stuff Christians Like ... - Win a free iPad from C... · 0 replies · +1 points

“Thanks Charlie St. Cloud.”

And thanks to Disney for making Newsies!!!

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 9: Join A F... · 2 replies · +1 points

I didn't know you did you programming...perhaps I did and the last week's information overload has had a moving sale on info in my brain.

I have always been more of a mainframe person, but I am learning Java so I can expand my options. I recently joinedhttp://www.dreamincode.net/ to get some java advice and tips.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 8: Interlin... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great post.

I have had both wordpress and blogspot and the related articles is one of the things I miss most from wordpress because I used to get a LOT of traffic from other sites that were linking to my posts.

As far as self promoting my own, whenever I think one is related I will usually post a link inside the blog post when I am talking about something related.

This is a time when interlinking is for self promo only as it has NOTHING to do with the content discussed above! :) http://ragamuffinray.blogspot.com/2010/05/what-if...

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 6: Must-Rea... · 0 replies · +1 points

I haven't googled SEO yet so you are ahead of me! : )

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 6: Must-Rea... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great post...sorry for the lengthy comment on your blog...haha..I guess I'll have to revisit this topic.

14 years ago @ Captain's Blog - What Difference will N... · 1 reply · +2 points

You make some great points and raise some good questions.

I have been to MANY churches over the last few years. From a small baptist church with a handful of people to a megachurch to currently a medium sized church.

I think the focus is that all of these churches have a mission, purpose and all can be used.

I think the megachurch has to have the highest quality productions because they are reaching a certain audience. However, as I heard a pastor of a megachurch say, which actually made me feel comfortable leaving, was that the purpose of that church was sort of like an airport shop. You look around, get what you need and move on to your next destination. Looking back that church was exactly what I needed at that time and I enjoyed getting 'lost' in the crowd and the 'rock and roll' experience. However, now I am at the point where I am loving a more intimate setting and developing relationships I never could have at the other one.

14 years ago @ Christian Web Trends B... - 31DBBB Day 6: Must-Rea... · 2 replies · +1 points

Great post, just read it and commented. We all go through these struggles. I think there are some awesome people here that are willing to lift each other up. Probably one of the best groups I have worked with.