


727 comments posted · 32 followers · following 0

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +4 points

aw man, thanks

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +6 points

I have done one wholly good thing in my life then

(It was jeux de peau, right? not ninfeo mio? I think it was but I talk em both up so much I might misremember. on this of all days it is good to know there are other women out there somewhere across the land who also smell like toast)

8 years ago @ The Toast - Go On, Get Out Of Here · 3 replies · +190 points

Mallory I'm going to be sincere and you can just stand right there and take it

I know giving people inspiration and confidence is just all in a day's work for you and you can't keep track of all the times you done it any more than a possum can keep track of how many times he done a dreadful crime there in the dark under the earth, but you did it for me and that is an important thing to note because I am a very important person.

typed this with my thumbs I did, on a telephone, that is how much it means to me

8 years ago @ The Toast - Go On, Get Out Of Here · 0 replies · +108 points


8 years ago @ The Toast - Liar, Gambler, Coward,... · 0 replies · +10 points

before Mallory takes up her flaming sword to bar the toast commentgates behind us forever: thanks, guys. I believe every compliment I get so be careful with your power, won't you

8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 5 replies · +27 points

writing stuff here took me from having a lot of neurotic secret hubristic anxious confidence in my own words that no one must suspect all the way to being a golden god who apologizes to no one. and that's just how I feel about my comments. The toast made me feel heard and understood when I posted my little clouds of nonsense and it wasn't just a feeling, it was the truth. If I ever murder a man they will have to go to the toast logbook to collect a list of names cause there is no other community I know about where they could collect a jury of my peers.


8 years ago @ The Toast - An Open Thread, and Se... · 0 replies · +7 points

right? I just made a Facebook account after actual decades of not giving a shit about that business, because it was that or lose touch with a bunch of people forever. now I have to go do the same damn thing all over again in another damn place for the same damn reason

8 years ago @ The Toast - A note on The Toast · 1 reply · +25 points

holy shit, thanks! I forgive you for not being Hillary I GUESS.

(and the first one was ok but the last one has some of the best sentences I ever built. Hillary if you want someone to add fancy metaphors to your speechcraft you know where to find me)

8 years ago @ The Toast - A note on The Toast · 1 reply · +11 points

Somebody in the morning thread said portrait gallery courtyard but that's all I know!

8 years ago @ The Toast - A note on The Toast · 4 replies · +37 points

p.s. I hear there's a final dc toast meetup tonight sooooo