


8 comments posted · 1 followers · following 1

8 years ago @ The Toast - Some Of The Least Euph... · 2 replies · +10 points

I really love "bajingo", as heard in "Scrubs".

But I usually just say "lady's undercarriage". So classy like.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Some Of The Least Euph... · 2 replies · +11 points

Oh my god — this plus the discussion above threw the phrase "moist oyster" into my head and NOW I CAN'T STOP THINKING IT. Oyster moistener. Moister oyster. Moistly oyster-y.


8 years ago @ The Toast - Some Of The Least Euph... · 10 replies · +7 points

I find it just a little strange that "moist" is verboten but "moisturizer" is commonplace and unexceptionable.

But if you really hate the m-word then you need to watch this scene from the first episode of the awesome series "Dead Like Me".

8 years ago @ The Toast - Some Of The Least Euph... · 5 replies · +32 points

I had literally never even considered it but "womb" really is a terrible word. How did I never notice this?

And it doesn't even mean "uterus"! In nearly every single language that has an etymologically related word, it means "belly" or "stomach" or "rumen" or "intestines" or even "paunch". It's basically the uterine version of "down there" for "vulva" or "vagina": "She carried a baby in her belly."


8 years ago @ The Toast - Some Of The Least Euph... · 16 replies · +28 points

Clog dancing.

First responder.


Gray Goose vodka.

Crotch rocket.

I'm starting to think English is composed almost entirely of un-euphonious phrases. Hard to believe there's any history of poetry at all in the language.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Heads Up That Fred Ast... · 0 replies · +26 points

A pretty good opinion to have about Pauline Kael might be "I think she was opinionated as fuck and really smug about the fact that she never watched a movie a second time in case she changed her mind about it WHICH WAS NOT PERMITTED IN THE WORLD OF KAEL but she also transformed movie criticism for the better."

I actually like her a lot (well, not so much her earlier stuff: man, she was anti-gay) but her opinions were an impenetrable wall. She never, ever allowed herself to be wrong. I can't even quite imagine trying to have a conversation with her about anything, let alone movies.

8 years ago @ The Toast - Classic Short Stories,... · 0 replies · +25 points

"What a beautiful October morning. Let's go outside and play," said Hannah.

"Hopscotch?" said Jenny.

"Hopscotch!" said Hannah.

- "The October Game", Ray Bradbury

9 years ago @ The Toast - W.B. Yeats, "Leda And ... · 2 replies · +24 points

Kate Beaton and Lord Byron!

(I canNOT figure out how to paste an image in here so you will just have to go see for yourself.)